Chapter 42 - I Was So Foolish

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Word Count :  2846

Tohru and I were at Master's because Rin had been staying there since being released from the hospital. Rin was sitting in front of us in a chair. Her hair was much shorter than it was before and currently it barely passed her chin. Tohru and I were on the ground in front of her. Tohru was lightly crying as Rin and I stayed silent. We sat like that for a couple of minutes with Haru and Yuki in the room next to us. Haru was staring at Rin as if he was trying to tell her something.

"Stop crying!" Rin shouted, finally snapping and jumping out of her chair.


"I'm sick of listening to you blubbering like a baby!" Rin yelled. AS Rin was yelling at Tohru for crying, Master walked in with a tray of food for everyone.

"It's rare for you to raise your voice like that, Isuzu." He commented.

"Master-san!" Tohru gasped. The last time she would have seen him would have been when he came over and removed Kyo's bracelet.

"It's been a while, Tohru." He smiled

"Thanks for having us." She said. "Oh! You cut your hair."

"Yes, a little while ago." His attention went back to Rin after greeting Tohru. "Are you excited that your friends are visiting?" The three of us were silent.

"F-Friend..." Tohru stuttered. The two of us smiled and Rin grabbed our heads trying to crush it.

"They get along so well."

"I think we should separate them!" Yuki shouted. Eventually we all got settled in and as the boys talked the three of us walked along the bath's outside looking at a small pond.


Once we got back from visiting Rin we ate dinner and Tohru and I started working on the dishes. Kyo was in the kitchen as well looking for something in the fridge.

"I kind of think that Master-san's just going to let Isuzu move in with him." Kyo commented, pouring himself a glass of water.

"Don't worry Kyo, you're still going to be his favourite." Tohru said.

"He practically lives for you." I added and he spat out his water, choking.

"I'm not worried about it so quit saying weird stuff!" He shouted, he lowered his voice before continuing to talk. "Anyway, I figure it's a good thing. With a full house he'll get less lonely down the line." It was quiet knowing what he meant when he would be locked up.
*yuki walks in*

"Honda-san?" Yuki walked in getting Tohru's attention.

"Er, yes?"

"The anniversary of your mom's death is coming up, right? Can I come with you to the cemetery?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, of course!" Tohru agreed quickly.

"Me too?" I asked.

"I'm going on Saturday morning with Uo-chan and Hana-chan so I would love for you both to join us." Tohru explained.

"I'll most likely stop by my mom's grave as well." I said.

"I just noticed you never seem to go on the anniversary of her death." Yuki pointed out.

"It's normally hard for me to do much on New Year's eve. Also, it's often cold and the flowers I bring wouldn't last long. So I try to go when the weather gets nicer." I replied.

"I... can't go with you." Kyo said.

"That's okay." and with that Kyo left the room.


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