Chapter 54

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"Another, another." I few hands slowly rise up into the air. One of these hands are Neville's.

"Up, up. Come on. Longbottom, is it? Up." Neville slowly stand up coming face to face with Moody.

" Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology."

"There's the,uhm..The.. The Cruciatus Curse." Neville stutters. Poor kid. I could see he's trying too look tough and seems to be successful.

"Correct, correct. Come, come. Particularly nasty." Neville steps out of his seat and near the table to the spider where Moody draws his wand.

" The torture curse." He look straight into Neville's eyes," Crucio!" The spider starts to screech and swings from side to side in pain. I clench my hands kn tight fist as I watch Neville closely. He look uncomfortable and rightfully so,his parents were driven mad with the Cruciates curse. Neville squints his eyes to try and stop looking at the horrific sight infront of him.

" Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him?" Hermione yells as I still stare at Neville. I stand up in my seat, slamming my hands hard down on the desk,"Stop it!" I see Harry jump a little beside me at my action.

Moody looks around the class before he removes his wand and clears his throat as he approaches Hermione with the spider in his hand.

"Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger." Hermione shakes her head as tears roll down her face and Moody puts the spider down ,

"No?" He stares down at her. "The killing curse sir" I was still standing up leaning on my palms infront of me on the desk," Avada Kedavra!" He yells and the spider lies dead infront of Hermione,she refuses too look down at it.

"Only one person is known to have survived it..." I say as I look Moody straight in the eye, "and he's sitting in this room." Moody finishes my sentence as he focuses is stare at Harry as he walks towards us. He stares down at Harry and licks the corner of his lips. He takes out the bottle,and I get a whiff of a disgusting but familiar smell as he takes a sip.


"Brilliant, isn't he? Completely demented, of course, and terrifying to be in the same room with. . . . . .but he's really been there, you know? He's looked evil in the eye." Ron speaks as we walk down the stairs as the bell tolls in the distance,"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable." I clarify. Those curses were used by the most evil people of all time.

" To perform them in a classroom. . . . l mean, did you see Neville's face?" Hermione talks as she walk into Neville who was standing at a colourful window as the rain fell down on the other side of it.

"Neville? Son? You all right?" Moody appears behind me and taps Neville on the shoulder,making him turn around.

"Come on. We'll have a cup of tea. l want to show you something." Neville looks like he's lost all hope as he reluctantly follows.

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