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                                                                         Chapter Twelve

  Welp you don't expect that everyday. Why the Fuck would he say something about me to that rookie, like come on Josh don't snich or be a snoop. I sigh in frustration. Where do I go now? Oh, OH I know where to go I think with a sly smile on my face. I grab my phone and call David "Well Hello phsy- " I quickly cut him off with a "I need you to get a passport and a plane or train ticket right now!" You seem to be in a hurry, why?"No question asked boy, you owe me and you know you do!" He stops there then says "Fine, I'll get a train ticket for you to leave at 5:30 it's the earliest ride but you have to get their quit their boarding." Of course he has to get one when it's 5:15. "Thanks, oh you never told me which state I was going to exactly." You'll see." I hang up. A second later I get a text with my information and ticket to Florida on it.

  I see the train about 15 minutes later it's in view of a very long line of people trying to board on to it.This well be interesting, I try to skip people as many times as I can without being notice, their backing people up little by little, but do regular suvillenes notice this, nope not one bit. The train is slowly moving. The workers have closed the train door and people are now starting to notice that I've been cutting the whole time. There are now many shorts and complaints and some hand grabbing but I ignore them trying to put my focus on what I'm about to do. I get ready to jump on the caboose, but someone grabs me. "NO!" DANG IT, I was so close. I turn around to see who grabbed me but, knowones there I see if there are any onlookers in the line to see if their following someone leaving. They're just griping about getting their money back and how this was a screwup and a scam.

  I walk up to the Booking Clerk and show him my "ticket" on my phone. He makes a disgusted sound then starts grumboling, "Kids these days know only using the internet, don't they know the Chinese and their own government is watching them. Look, it would be a lot easier for you and me if I just told you that before it gets to Georgia it makes another stop in Florida." I stop looking down and say "Really," a little too fast to where he glares at me. "If I didn't know I wouldn't have said it."

  When he finishes giving me the qurdanets I quickly call a taxi and tell the driver to get me to the next train station ASAP. I look up the time to see when it supposed to get their it says in 30 minutes so I have time. When he finally stops I give him 60 dollars and say thanks. I rush out of the taxi and I run into someone while I'm boarding the train "Sorry," we say at the same time, I look up to see who I ran into and it's the FBI rookie. My heart beat rises every breath I take praying, hoping he doesn't notice me, but it's never like that. He says "Hey you Natalie...listen Josh told me everything an-"Yea I'm sure Josh told everyone about me know if you'll excuse me." I try to get pass him but his arm grabs my wrist and he says, "Lets talk." With that he slides a door open to one of the little boxes that is empty and has to seets that could hold four people. With it being a train and for only being able to go up and down it I say "Tell me where your little friends are, and let go of me." He poses having a little confused look then starts laughing, while I glare at him. "Their not little I can tell you that, they're in their thirties or forties and they're not on this moving train." He lets go of me and I run down the train passing everything and everyone, not looking back cause he is probably on my tail right now I get to the caboose fling the back door open and jump on the railing "It doesn't have to be like this." He yells at me, but the wend still making it sound like a whisper. "You know it does, give me three reasons why it shouldn't be like this and I'll think about it." He pauses then says "Well fist you'll probably be able to escape custody anyway, second I just one to talk, and third... and third that boy Josh of yours likes you alot it's no small crush when you hear the way he talks about you. You don't want to ruin your life with one regret with one small word you say and it goes away, while you regret it for the rest of your life."Well damn I should've said tell me five reasons why. Why are you saying this as if it has happened to you before, has it happened to you before?" Come down first let's talk and I'll answer your questions," with that he extends his hand and hands it out to me.

  I think with the world swoopin by in a heartbeat is this the right choice should I grab his hand? Will it be a deel or will it be a scam, will he be like them or the boy who thinks about the box? So what if Josh likes me, his ship sailed once he put his drunk mouth all over me. Should I grab this boy's hand with a truce, not even knowing his name or should I jump on this train's roof and wait it out?

                              Should I extend my hand as he extended his own?

What will she do?

Sorry my books are crapy but hey thanks for the readers that are still reading this book. Anyways don't forget to comment cause I really need to know whats wrong with my book. Anywho have a great day! BYE! :D

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