Episode 2 (Part 1)

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S: Cyan? Have you seen my socks? The black one?

C: (throws purple socks)

S: (poker face) Cyan, black. BLACK. I thought the werewolf thing have heightened senses. And there’s someone having a hard time distinguishing colors.

C: Hey! Cause you’re already using the black socks. (points at Sapphire’s feet)

S: oh riiiight.

Papa Stilinski: (Just passing by the room) hey blues! Faster, You don’t want to late.

Sapphire looked down.

C: Coming Dad! (Shoves phone in her bag. Then grabs Sapphire’s hand and drags her downstairs)

(Sapphire’s phone rang. She looked at it and saw that it was Liam apologizing. She texted back that it was alright)

S: Do you know where kuya is?

C: Right behind yah! (Points)

S: oh, good morning Kuya

Stiles: good morning kiddos (rubs the twin’s head like they were 5 year old children)

C: KUYA! I JUST COMBED MY HAIR! (grabs a handful of Stiles’ newly gelled hair)


Papa Stilinski: Uhm… May I talk to the three of you?

C: (Gulps) D-DAD we’re gonna be l—

Papa Stilinski: School doesn’t start til 8. It’s just 7. (looks at Stiles) Stiles. Talk.

S: (whispers) we have to talk about this somehow.

Stiles: I already told you everything I know last night.

(Papa Stilinski nodded and looked at the twins)

C: (Points to Sapphire) She’s gonna talk.

S: (rolls eyes) Why always me? (deep breath) Okay, we were out in the woods like Kuya Stiles said. Because we planned to have a camping. (silence) It was my idea.

Papa Stilinski: and? (looks at Cyan)

C: She’ll ta—

Papa Stilinski: Speak up, Cyan.

S: (Looks at Cyan) Finally!

C: (sighs) and we kind uhm… ran into Derek in the middle of the woods and—

Papa Stilinski: I know where this is going. (Hands up) Why did you go out in the first place? (Looks at Stiles) And why didn’t you looked after them?

S: Because I told you we should be camping.

C: Yeah, it wasn’t our fault Derek showed up. (awkward laugh)

Stiles: And dad, we were with Scott, remember? The 6 murders?

S: It was my fault. If we haven—

Papa Stilinski: It’s both your fault. (Looks at Cyan) Why didn’t you tell your sister to stay home? Why did you come with her?

(Cyan looked down)

Papa Stilinski: That’s right, because you also wanted to go.

C: I’m sorry, Dad. I thought it will be fun.

Stiles: If that was 3 weeks ago, how come you only tell us this now?

S: Because we thought you would hate us?

C: And ground us?

(Papa Stilinski went closer and hugged the twins.)

Papa Stilinski: I’m sorry I called you monsters. I know you heard it. I’m sorry.

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