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May 2nd, 2015

L'appel du vide.

A French phrase used to refer to the urge to engage in destructive behaviors during everyday life.

Otherwise known as, 'the call of the void'.

Lorelai's mother would explain to her many children how L'appel du vide wasn't acceptable. Everything was supposed to be picture perfect, traditional, seamless.

"you're going to get yourself into trouble Rory, especially with your impulsiveness."

Now, Rory was a near adult, disobeying her Mother's strict rules.

She desperately knocked at the door, it was nearly midnight, but Lorelai didn't care. This was the fuel, and power, and everything she ever needed. Thank the lord and his kindness for letting Jeremy step into her life, because where would she be now? Not knowing her fancied attitude towards a rather charming English man?

"Scarlett-?" Wilbur opens the door after a very long 45 seconds, and she sighed in relief as he continued, "I didn't think you'd be back for another—"

"Do you still want to go out with me?" She cuts him off, feverishly asking the question.

Wilbur tilts his head, "what?"

"Do you still want to go out with me?" She repeats, some unknown urgency bubbling in her tone,

Wilbur squints, is she high? Drunk? Both?, "—of course—I'd love to—are you okay—like, are you 100% sober right now?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" She smiles, "So you wanna date me?"

"Yes..." he nods, still utterly confused, "Why are you—"

Wilbur doesn't have any more time to speak, because without thinking, Lorelai locks her lips onto his.

For a tender and sweet moment, they stay like that, Wilbur's mind of course is now racing a million miles a minute, whilst Lorelai's (for once) is nearly blank, except for a single thought,

"I'm sorry," She rushes in-between smaller kisses, "That I didn't realize sooner."

"It's...okay." He sighs blissfully intermediate a slow endearment, closing the front door behind the couple as their likeliness blooms gracefully.

To put it simply, it was two incredibly foolish teens fondling in a downtown London flat.

Young Romance. (the narrator says blissfully before the scene fades to darkness)

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Wilbur was slightly confused, as anyone would be, "you fled the retched country of Canada for what reason?"

"no real reason." The lie slipped out perfectly, (although it wasn't entirely a fib), "...Family was too stressful, I suppose."

The dark-haired boy nodded, wandering down the late-night streets of London, "Your sisters are back as well?"

"Yeah the three of us left." She affirmed, "I hope it's okay we used you as an excuse to leave..."

"What?" he turned to her, a smile spreading across his face, "How?"

𝐊𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐀 , 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now