"The super hot Kook"

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The first thing I do was lift John b's head onto my lap and check his pulse and make sure his heart was beating at a normal pace.

"Shit is he ok?!" Morgan came and sat beside me.

"Y-yeah he's fine just unconscious."I finish my sentence and look up to see JJ, Pope and that same brunette girl from before looking worried.

"That's great, but who the hell are you people?!" The brunette asked looking between me and Morgan.

I quickly and gently move John b's head from my lap over to Morgan's and stand up to answer the girls question.

"I'm Maddie and that's my sister Morgan." I turn back signaling to Morgan who was on the ground with an unconscious boy on her lap. I turn back to to the girl and ask who she is.

"I-I'm Kie."

"Right it's nice to meet you Kie but, I think we should probably get John b somewhere he can rest." I look around at the parked cars and only see my car.

I turn around to look at Pope

"Where did you guys park your car cause there's no way you carried that keg all the way here from wherever you live." Pope, JJ, and Kie looked at each other for awhile before looking back at me.

"Yea we didn't bring the van." Pope answered.

"What?! Why not?!"

"Well we didn't think something like this would happen but, then again something always happens when kooks are involved." Kie said looking down at John b.

"Okay well-" I paused for a brief moment to reach into my hoodie pocket and take out my car keys "-here." I took my key and threw to the brunette girl.

"Why are you giving me your keys?"

"So you can use it to take John b home." I look at Kie with a serious face but, she's looking at me like if I crazy for trusting her with my car. I probably am. But I don't really care about my car mainly because it's pretty old, it used to be dads car a few years back and for my 15th birthday I asked for his car cause I really liked it but, dad being dad he got me two cars the one I drove in to get to the boneyard and one back home in New York.

"You're really just gonna let us take your ca-" Pope started but was interrupted by the blonde.


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