Untitled Part 16

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Later that day

"AGAIN!" William shouted. I glared at him as I rose from the ground.

"Can we stop? We've been at this for hours." I dusted myself off and crossed my arms

"No, Anastasia. You will not have a break when you are facing an opponent. And if you would like to accompany Mary to Charlestown you will get this right." I faced him off and he blocked me at every advance I tried to make until he grabbed my wrist, spun me around and pulled my back to his chest. One arm behind my back, the other under my chin. He kissed my neck and then laughed heartlessly.

"At this rate it will be easy for Brandon to capture you." He growled into my ear.

"But dear Colonel, It would seem you have already captured me." I smirked as he began to loosen his grip. I looked down at the ground smirking then suddenly threw my head back making contact with his nose with a crack. He let go and stumbled back a few steps as I lowered myself to the ground spinning, I stuck out my leg knocking him to the ground. I pulled a knife as I straddled him. "Or perhaps... it is you who is captured." I giggled. He glared in response, holding on to his bleeding nose. He let go of his nose, quickly grabbing my waist. He flipped me over so I was now on the ground and he above me.

"Don't be too sure of that." He smirked which sent me into a fit of giggles. "How did you manage to do that. Every time prior I overtook you quickly."

"Wasn't it you who told the new recruits during training last month that a tactic they could use against their enemy was the element of surprise?" He stared at me dumbfounded.

"....But you never pay attention when you come to training. Of which I have spoken to you about on multiple occasions You're always reading some damn book instead." He arched his brow.

"Was I?" I smirked. "Or was that what I wanted you to think?" I grinned mischievously.

"Clever." He rose to his feet and stretched his hand out to help me up."Now again Stasi." We squared off and I blocked each one of his blows, stepping just out of reach on a few of them. Until out of the corner of my eye I saw Jones. One of the men that had been with Tavington from the start. One of the few he trusted. I pretended to mis-step and ducked under William's arm as he went to grab me and withdrew his pistol as well as the knife I had hidden in my bodice. I pressed the knife into William's ribcage and pointed the gun at Jones. Both of their faces filled with shock

"You should have never underestimated how quickly I can learn something just by watching, Dear Colonel." I handed him his pistol back and put the knife back in my bodice. "May I go now William. You know as well as I that Brandon will not expect me to defend myself let alone be good at it. Mary and I wanted to plan our trip a little before dinner."

"Very well. You may go." He kissed my cheek. I turned to head to the house. "Jones with me we have plans of our own to discuss." They headed off toward the medical tent. I ran off to clean up and meet Mary in the Library.

"Stasi! He had you out there for hours!" Mary exclaimed as she rose from her seat, putting her book down. "What was he expecting? Perfection?"

"Tavington? A perfectionist? Nooo." We burst out laughing. I sat down as a servant brought in some tea and a plate of fruit. "Thank you Margret. You may have some if you wish." Mary stayed silent at this then nodded as Margert looked at her for permission.

"Thank you, Lady Mary, Lady Anastasia. You are ever so kind." She grabbed a few strawberries, curtsied and walked off. Mary stared at me.

"What?" I very obviously knew what. I treated the slaves more like humans than most around here were used too. More like equials.

"You shouldn't spoil the slaves. They'll begin to expect things." Mary picked a grape off the plate.

"Excuse me Mary but I don't think it hurts to be kind to them. And secondly i don't agree with slavery at all. They are the same as you and me. The only thing different is their skin." She looked down thoughtfully for a moment.

"I suppose you are right, Stasi." She took a sip of water. She looked up at me excitedly after a moment. "Danny! The one that helps me dress. She is pregnant. We should buy her something. Give her somewhat of a baby shower!" I smiled at how quickly her thinking changed. "When christmas comes we should get them all a little something. I forced a smile knowing that WIlliam would be dead by then. Who knows where I would be.

"So where would you like to go? I know of this famous loyalist hotel we can spend the night at." Over the next few hours we discussed where we wanted to shop and places we wanted to try to eat. Until our plan was complete and we made our way to dinner. That night I told William of our plans before we went to bed.

Laying in bed facing each other he placed his hand on my hip and kissed me. "You fought well today my love. I'm impressed you were able to defeat two of us. Just remember most won't stop when you have a weapon pointed at them." I smiled at his praises. And he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I looked into his eyes and he seemed to be in thought.

"What is bothering you William?" I moved closer to him.

"I do not think it is a good Idea for you to be going. It is reckless and Brandon can attack you at any time." I pulled away and sat up, narrowing my eyes at him.

"William you promised and beside you yourself once told me that I can not spend the rest of my life in fear. I'm going with Mary." My voice got louder as I continued. "I haven't even been out of the fort since I arrived 8 months ago besides for the ball. Do you intend to still keep me locked away from the world?" I was practically yelling at this point. His expression became cold.

"It would do you well to watch your tone Anastasia." He said sternly. Throwing the blankets off and getting out of bed frustratedly. Walking over to the window looking out into the darkness his hands clasped at the base of his well defined shirtless back.

"Why, What are you going to do? Punish me?" He froze for a brief second before turning his head slowly toward me. His head tilted down just a little. In the candle light I could still make out the smirk that spread across his face and a strange glint in his eye. Slowly he turned, grabbing his discarded shirt and spinning it so it became rope-like. "William? What are you doing?" He said nothing, slowly approaching me like a cat stalking its prey. I jumped off the bed, putting it between us. He charged me and I tried to get out of the way but I tripped over my nightgown. Soon I found myself on the mattress tied to the bedpost, with my ass in the air.

I couldn't see him fully but I saw his hand reach for his riding crop. He dragged his hand over my ass followed by the riding crop. He removed his warm hand from my back side and smacked it with the crop. Not as hard as Brando had done when beating me. "WILLIAM! WHAT THE FUCK." I Screamed. He said nothing. His response was to slide his fingers between the apex of my thighs. His thumb rubbed over my clit and I let out a moan. Again he smacked my ass with the crop. The sensation was strange when combining the pleasure building up inside me from his thumb and the sting of the crop. He repeated this action a little harder each time as he rubbed my clit harder and faster as well until I shook with the pleasure that had exploded from my center. The crop hit the floor and I felt him shift behind me. Positioning himself he placed one hand on my hip and the other he wrapped my hair around his hand pulling my head back so I was forced to arch backward and he entered me. He began to thrust in and out of me and our sounds of pleasure filled the room. I had the brief thought that the other men in the hall could hear us but it was soon replaced with how good his cock felt pounding into my pussy. Minutes passed as we continued and the pleasure built inside me. I could feel myself throbbing around his cock until I convulsed around him. "WILLIAM I'M CUMMING." A moment later I felt his seed filled me as he grunted. Leaning forward He untied me and we clasped onto the bed.

"Do not speak to me that way again." He took in a deep breath pulling the blanket over us. "Do you understand me?"

"If that's punishment I think I will speak to you how I wish to." He burst out laughing, pulled me close and snuffed out the candle.

"Good night Stasi." He kissed me and we drifted off to sleep

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