Chapter One

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The start of a new beginning


Third person POV:

It was a normal morning in Hogwarts year 2005, or as normal a morning could get in Hogwarts school for witches and wizards

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It was a normal morning in Hogwarts year 2005, or as normal a morning could get in Hogwarts school for witches and wizards.

All the students were eating breakfast in the Great Hall, when the double doors suddenly slammed open, all heads snapped to the doors.

Three groups of people stood in front of the doors, the dark families stood on the left side, the Malfoys, Lestranges, Notts, Berkshires and every other dark family that lives in Great Britain. No one noticed the man who was stood in the back, a dark aura emitting from him.

On the right side stood the light families, the Potters, Weasleys and all of their children—who has already graduated from Hogwarts—Lupin-Blacks, Order of the Phoenix, Minister of Magic, Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody and Amelia Bones and any other light family that lives in Great Britain.

And in the middle stood the neutral families, like the Greengrass, Zabini, Lord Lovegood and all of the neutral families that lives in Great Britain.

Glares were sent to everyone in the Great Hall that was until they spotted some of the well known Death Eaters, screams of bloody murder was heard through out the whole Great Hall.

The dark, neutral and light families ran or walked quickly to their children, pointing wands at the opposing side.

"Mum, Dad?" Harry James Potter questioned, James Fleamont Potter and Lily Jean Potter née Evans glanced at each other before looking down at him but said nothing, glaring daggers at the all of the dark families and most of the neutral families.

Before anyone could say or do anything, Dumbledore stood up, his wand in his hand that was pointed at the dark families. "Why have you all graced us with your presence?" he asked with the usual annoying twinkle in his eyes.

"I don't know Albus, I was engulfed in this bright light and when my sight was not blurry anymore, I was here." Moody informed the headmaster, the dark, neutral and light families nodded their heads in agreement.

Before anyone could say or do anything, a bright light engulfed the hall and a piece of parchment appeared in front of Potter Jr, he hesitantly grabbed it and read it out loud for everyone to hear.

Dear Humans,

By now all magical families living in Great Britain have appeared at Hogwarts. All of you are here to watch the lives of the Avengers.

Many of you—especially the Malfoys, Lestrange, Mr. Snape, Potters and Lupin-Blacks—are here for a certain person you all knew and some keep in contact with. The rest of you are here because there are bigger things than your world.

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