[034] ━━ I LOVE YOU! ONLY YOU!

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WALKING into school on Monday morning, Yuri doesn't know what she was expecting

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WALKING into school on Monday morning, Yuri doesn't know what she was expecting. Jungwon hadn't texted her after he confessed to her, and Sunghoon was also left confused because he hardly saw Jungwon even though they live together. But, wondering what Jungwon was doing on Sunday — the day after his confession — was the least of Yuri's worries because she walked in on Seo-Jun and Ji-Woo making out. They've been dating for a while now. Yuri scolded them for an hour before breaking down and telling them everything.

      Now, walking the halls with them by her side, Yuri feels like she can take anything Jungwon throws her way. Even though her heart yearns for Jungwon back, she's sure she'll be able to remain cool, calm, and collected around him. Especially since he wasn't at school today. Yuri's lived through two classes safely and quietly. Maybe Jungwon forgot about his stupid promise. Yuri wouldn't be surprised.

       But, there's a knock on the door. Yuri's teacher answers it and all the students peer to get a look at who was standing in the doorway. It was some gangly fourteen-year-old girl, carrying a bouquet of flowers. "For Choi Yuri," the fourteen-year-old girl says. Everyone turns to look at Yuri who blushes bright red and sinks in her chair. Not what she was expecting on Monday.

       The teacher takes the flowers and places them on Yuri's desk, throwing a warning look in the mix as well. Yuri's head hides within her hands as Ji-Woo snickers beside the girl, reaching out to admire the large bouquet of flowers. Neither of the girls comment on the bouquet, both aware of who sent it to Yuri. 

       Yuri didn't have time to get to her locker, so she carries her bouquet to her next class, which coincidentally, Jungwon's waiting for Yuri, sitting at the desk she shares with Ji-Woo. She instantly catches his wide, warm smile, dimples deep in his cheeks and her heart melts. So much for being cool, calm, and collected — how could she be when Jungwon smiles at her like that? Yuri's already forgiven Jungwon, but she wants to see what else Jungwon does, so she simply smiles and slides into the seat beside Jungwon, their knees touching beneath the table as Yuri — she hopes it's subtle — inches her chair closer to Jungwon. 

       "Cute," Jungwon says, sniffing the flowers, "do you like them?" 

      Yuri shrugs and Jungwon frowns. Her heart flips over and over. Yuri hates being the reason Jungwon's smile slips from his face. "I love them, Jungwon," Yuri felt breathless watching Jungwon's smile slip back onto his face. 

       "I didn't have time to go to my locker," Yuri complains, "so I'll be carrying around these flowers until lunch." 

       "You'll look cute doing it, Yuri," Jungwon tells the girl quietly as the teacher stands at the front of the room, calling for silence. "Believe me. I would know." 

[✓] serendipity, yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now