The Goblet Of Fire / Twelve

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I've been at Hogwarts for almost 2 months now. I made some pretty good amount of friends around me. Luna Lovegood, Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff, The Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, the Twins, Lavender Brown who is also from Gryffindor and some of her other two friends who were also twins, Padma Patil from Ravenclaw and Parvati Patil from Gryffindor.

Kinda weird that they got separated in houses, even if they are twins.

Hermione and I have been pretty close too ever since I've told her about my powers. She has been telling me about her muggle family and I have been talking about most of my experience with the powers I had and I showed some of them too.

Just some of them.

Today is 30th of October and Professor Dumbledore announced that students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be coming to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament that will be held here.

We were all dismissed half an hour early from our classes and to my good luck that happens once in a lifetime, it was History. We all went back to our dorms to put our things and make ourselves look presentable like we were told.

I went down to the hall with Daphne and Pansy on each of my side as we chat about the whole tournament and the boys from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. We sat at the very start of table with Blaise, Theo, Vincent, Greg and Malfoy, who were all sitting right across us but Theo sat next to Daphne by her demand.

I roll my eyes as I see him grinning at me.

I should have jinx this bloody git when I got the chance.

The seats on my right side were all empty for the other school to sit. Everyone in the hall are chatting animatedly about the tournament, discussing about what task they might have to do and whose from Hogwarts is gonna compete and recalling some of the old memories of the tournament that had happened long long time ago.

But the whole hall went quiet when Dumbledore starts to speak and explains what the tournament can do and how dangerous it is and all kinds of things that I don't give a damn about.

I'm just hungry.

"Now, welcome the lovely ladies and gentlemen from Beauxbatons." Dumbledore announces with his hand pointing at the double heavy door of the hall. 

All heads turn to the entrance as girls in flowy light blue satin dresses and boys in light blue satin dress pants and shirts, walk beautifully into the hall. Their headmistress tall as a Hagrid... well even much taller than Hagrid, walks in gracefully behind them. 

Every boys stare at the girls, looking like they're about to drool. I roll my eyes as I look across the table to see Malfoy who is also staring at them like every boys in the hall, but with a slapped behind the head by Daphne that Theo got, made him stare down at his hands and apologize to her.

They're not even that pretty. But I was wrong. 

The girl with the sliver blond hair who was now in front of the hall looks absolutely stunning after she lifted her head from bowing deeply. And most of the girls, I mean to be honest, all of the girls are absolutely beautiful.

I laugh to myself along with the sounds of people clapping before they died out as I look at Dumbledore when he clear his throat.

"And now, welcome the handsome gentlemen from Durmstrang." as the entrance, once again opens more dramatically this time, heads turn again as the headmaster of Durmstrang come in with his head and chest held high with a boy beside him and other students following them from behind.

I instantly recognized him as Victor Krum, the world best seeker.

He's still in school?! 

I hear gasps and awes as both girls and boys looking around their robes for a quill and a parchment for him to autograph. Some girls grabbing their lipsticks from the pocket of their robes, putting them on their lips and quickly looking their reflections on the back of the spoon.

I chuckled slightly in disbelieve before I look back to see that the performance they did was over and I turn to talk to Pansy when she looks up, mouth open as she hits my arm multiple times indicating me to do the same. 

I do as I told to see Victor Krum asking me if he can sit next to me with the other students behind him waiting to sit. 

Nex- next to me? 

I nod my head lightly while my hair turns pale orange (both nervous and embarrassment), as I smile at him warmly. He sit down and introduce himself.

"Victor Krum." he says, extending his hand.

"Hela Venus." I state, grinning widely, shaking his hand. "This is Pansy Parkinson." she waves as she also smiles warmly, "and Daphne Greengrass." she nods as she smiles. He returns the smiles at both of them and turn around as Malfoy starts introduce himself to Victor. 

I giggle with Pansy and Daphne as they shrieks at me happily but internally. And even though the excited I was having making me completely black out my surrounding, I could still hear Malfoy saying his last name first to introduce.

Such a git.

We started eating after Dumbledore finished explaining all about the tournament and the rules of it.

No champion can signed out if they were chosen and no one under the age of 17 can put their name in The Goblet of Fire.

Some people were not very happy with with it. Some of them yelled,


I didn't protest at all as I don't care about competing in the tournament, not even a bit.

Dumbledore told us more about what to do after dinner and that students will have 24 hours to put their names before the cup choose three names tomorrow on Halloween feast.

We all got out of our seats and start walking out of the hall as students from other school chat excitedly about the tournament, and people from our school guessing who would be the Hogwarts champion.

Pansy was hoping it will be from our house which our group agreed with her.


This may be short or long but i guess enjoy

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