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In the nicest way possible, I've honestly lost the love of writing on here, especially fanfiction? I just cant leave this story alone because I have so many ideas for it that I want to write and I've put so much thought and planning into this that I haven't even gotten through yet. I really only come back here because I still love writing, but this is the only place I can do it without it being put somewhere nobody will ever read it. I've been working on this story for years and I still haven't gotten to anything interesting :')

I love all of you guys though and I still read every comment <3 thank you for reading this wack attempt at having fun. I apologize for struggling to write anything anymore

Ethan's POV

"You think you have a heart problem?" Andrew's stare made me not so sure about myself anymore. I broke eye contact and stared in front of me as we walked to our next class.

"Um, yeah?" I replied. "I mean, it's either that or-"

"You like her."

"That's not what I was exactly gonna say, but-"

Andrew interrupted me again. "What you just told me- your heart speeding up when you're around her, at any touch from her. You like her."

I wasn't sure what to say next. I didn't quite believe him. I couldn't like Y/n. Not that there is anything wrong with her- she makes me smile without even trying, I always want to hang out with her, and she somehow manages to look pretty even when she feels terrible. I would choose time with her over anyone, maybe even over Andrew. But I think those things in a friend way.

People say those things about their close friends all the time.

Andrew let out an airy laugh and pushed me into the door of our classroom. "You're hopeless."

Kyle is already in his seat with the other guys crowding him and sitting in seats around him that aren't theirs. Griffin spotted Andrew and me first, waving at us.

"We were wondering when you two would show up!" Kyle groaned.

"Why is it so important that we come straight here? Maybe we like taking our time." Andrew retorted, but made it seem like a joke. Like a friendly way of telling someone to shut up.

Kyle was one of the people we questioned being friends with. We were close when we were younger, this whole group was, but he changed the most since then, and not in the best ways. Andrew and I constantly went back and forth between being okay with him and not wanting to be around him. Lately though I've only been in the please-stop-talking side. There was no going back and forth anymore, just going further into the blood boiling state of being around him.

He's never liked Y/n, for whatever reason. Even before she was diagnosed he never liked her. Theres no real reason. Just "I don't like looking at her" or "she's annoying." I heard those comments all throughout growing up with him, but they never bothered me this much. He does so much as give her a look and I'm already feeling hot. I think if his comments had always annoyed me this much then I never would have liked him. His unwarranted feelings towards Y/n is sticking out to me more than ever now since I got to know her and now it's all I associate him with.  Every comment he makes brings me deeper into hating him.

"My little sister had friends over last night." Evan stated, bags under his eyes. "I don't understand how they can stay up so late. It doesn't help that her room is next to mine."

They laughed and made fun of how tired he looked and compared him to Disney villains. 

"You should have scared them. Payback for keeping you awake." Griffin shrugged, straying away from making fun of Evan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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