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Matias Fernandez-Vaughn Serrano

Axel Granger-Dylan Presley

Tiffany Choi-Rene Esme

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Sir Seth told me to go to the site first since he needed to get a few things. Yesterday, Mr. Hendrix had to carry me all the way to my room since I passed out at Mr. De la Fontaine's shoulder. I just prayed that I didn't get any drool on him.

I still don't get why my parents just let him carry me. Like, they could have just gotten me from him or have Hana yell on my ear like she always does to wake me up. I do the same thing to her but I'm just boggled that they let him do that.

Why am I making a big deal out of it? One, me and him are totally not close. It was already generous of him to drive me home but then carry me?? too much. Two, he's a guy. They wouldn't even let me have a boyfriend!

They didn't like Lykos not one bit and after I broke up with him they told me no boyfriends until I turn 50. Lastly, you let a billionaire carry your child to her room?? crazy.

Obvious Favoritsm 😑

I finally arrived at the site which was actually another company building. I'm undercover as a secretary this time. I'm pretending to be Allison Scott, the substitute secretary while Vaugh and Dylan are pretending to be an office worker and a janitor.

We already made a few shots but todays different since it will be at night when I will finally steal the data on the president's computer. It might seem like I don't attend class but I do since classes always end early. Today is a Friday and Mr. Crxppybum has been on leave for almost two weeks straight.

He had a new business deal to deal with, he told me before he took the leave. I don't know if it's me being too conscious of him but I feel like he's getting closer and closer to me. Am I flustered? Yes. Why? I'm single and no one has gotten my interest even after a multitude of secret blind dates I've been to.

But he certainly creeped to my heart and matched all my standards. Everyday he gives me different small presents since one time he tried gifting me a 20 million dollars worth jewelry in which I smacked him in the butt for and told him to return it.

So he bought me little gifts, most of the time foods like drinks and desserts, Love him for it since there were days where I crave a certain drink and he would get it right. Has people ever notice? nope. Not like anyone care since we all mind our own business.

The one's that benefits in this are also my friends since when the food he buys me are too much, I always share it with them, 

"Hm, he's quite useful too." Loey nodded her head in approval as she bit into a donut.

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