Chapter 73

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The moment air reaches my lungs I gasp like I've never had a breath of fresh air. I feel hands pushing me towards a platform filled with people. I'm helped up by Fleur who starts to explain everything to me. That we were the treasure and that she couldn't get past the grindelows.

I start to realize who was who's treasure and that Val would be stuck down the back lake. Cedric follows me up and I hug him for successfully completing the task and being the first to come up with their treasure.

I turn to see Hermione and Viktor swimming towards the platform. I help her up and Viktor follow. Cedric puts a towel around my shoulder as we walk back so there could be enough space.

Everyone had reached the surface but no Harry,no Ron and no Valerie.

It feels like ages past until I see two figures pop up the surface of the black lake. Ron and Valerie.

They're helped up onto the platform...but still no Harry. I regret the things I said too him last. Even though I meant them,I didn't want them to be the last words I said to him. He was still my best friend and I didn't want too lose any of that.

I'm relieved when I see a body shoot through the air and fall onto the platform. My breath is fast and heavy as I run towards him,putting my towel over him.

"You saved her, Harry! You saved my sister even though she wasn't yours to save. Thank you!", I kiss his forehead,"I'm sorry,for everything" he nods as he starts to catch his breath following my rushed words.

"Harry!", Hermione yells as she appears,"ow" Harry reacts to her harsh touch,"are you alright? You must be freezing" she puts her towel over the one I threw over his shoulder.

"Personally,I think you behaved admirably", she quickly says,"I finish last Hermione.

"Next to last. Fleur never got past the grindelows"I say in a thick french accent.

A group near us starts to chant Viktor's name but is silenced by Dumbledore's loud voice,"Attention!" I cover my ears,"the winner is Mr Diggory!" Everyone starts to cheer and I walk over to him putting my arm around his waist and leaning into him.

"Who showed innate command of the bubble-head charm. However seeing how Mr Potter would've finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well, we've decided to reward him second place." Dumbledore finishes.

I feel Cedric freezing next to me and I lean into him more as everyone starts cheer because of Harrys great performance.

We all take the boats back to the dock after I say goodbye to Cedric,still towels wrapped around our freezing bodies. "Congratulations Potter" I hear Crouch's voice as I walked behind Harry. I give Harry a look before I run to catch up with Ron,"see you at Hagrid's Harry!" Ron yells as Harry disappears with Crouch.

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