what am I going to do?

755 57 21

Going back home, type went straight to his bedroom to then take off his jacket then his shirt to then take his hands lower to his pants to undo to then leave all the clothes to the floor to then crawl into bed to turn his head to the side to take in deep breaths has he had his eyes closed..
Damnit! I bet there was nothing wrong with those forms and he just sent me bullshit! Why is he such a bastard!
Type signed to then turn to his back to look to the ceiling to then place a hand to his forehead to gulp..
I am so fucking tired and I didn't even need to go in! This little prick is nothing but a self centered asshole who thinks he can do whatever he wants!
Type then got up to go to his pants to grab his phone to text someone to let them know he was sick and was going to take the next day off.
Sitting to his bed, his fingers drummed to the back to then smile has they texted back no problem.
Type then placed the phone to his table to then lay back down to then close his eyes to take in deep breathes.
Least I can take a day off. I can't handle this asshole anymore, he is just too much.
Type then started to fall under.
A bit later, type furrowed his brow, to wake on his stomach to hear his phone start to go off, he then reach an hand over to grab to turn to his back to then place a hand to his forehead to take in a deep breathe has he placed his phone to his ear.
"You are over an hour late."
Type signed has he heard his voice.
"Mr. Ying, I requested the day off, I do not feel good, I have the confirmation text right here, now I need to...."
"To request a day off, rather for an illness or not you need more time to tell the firm has of that. So you need to come in and now."
Type made a face.
"You want me to come in has I am sick and could affect others?"
"I know you are not, stop being an old man and get in here and now, or are you saying you can't do 30 days without taking a day?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I'll be in..."
"Mm, that's a good little bitch."
Type then took the phone to then place to his face to shake his head in anger.
Fuck! I am so god damn tired!
Type then got slowly up to get dressed to not be happy about this.
Going to work, he stopped to then grab his cup of coffee to then sip at it to then place the cup down to then go about to yawn into his hand.
Inside, he went straight to his desk to then start to look about his papers to then roll his eyes has he felt his phone to go off in his pants to then place a hand to it to then draw it out to eye, groaning he then placed his phone to eye ear.
"Is there a reason you're calling me?"
"Well, your 2 hours late and your not in my office."
Type made a face..
"I called out, you refused, and I am too my desk to start on some work."
"You need to be up here."
"No I don't!"
Type then turned his phone off to slam it a bit to the desk to eye it to shake his head.
I've had about enough of this selfish prick!
He then eyed it has he felt it vibrate to then grab it quick to place to his ear.
"What is it you are wanting mr. Ying!?"
"Not to listen to that tone, also I found the forms from last night, you need to be up here and now."
Type rolled his eyes.
Type then took his phone from his ear to get up to then shake his head.
Going before that door he eyed it, to take in a deep breathe.
Go in, get them done, be out, go to work.
Type nodded to then go in to part his lips to narrow his eyes.
"What is all this?"
Tharn turned has he had his back to type to then shrug.
"Lost those forms again, they are somewhere here. Come and help."
Tharn gave a sly smile to then turn, type then looked to the ceiling with a face..
He then turned to close the door to go and help organize.
A bit later, tharn had stepped out to gather food to then come back to widen his eyes a bit, type was over the desk asleep with two piles of papers..
Tharn then tilted his head to then slam the door a bit, type tensed to then wake quick to take in a deep breathe to then look tiredly at tharn, he then turned his head to then eye the clock..
"Mm, it's late, can not believe you are napping, you really are an old man."
Type signed to then place his hands cupped to his nose to close his eyes to try and wake.
"I didn't get home until 2 then woke at 7, I am a human being and...."
Type jumped a bit to then move his hands down to see a bag be placed to the desk to they see tharn grab a chair to then sit to then lean over to grab out some food..
"Well, it's 11 at night, let's hurry and eat, then you may go."
Type signed.
"I can just grab what you have and go now."
"No, you are going to eat with me then you can go."
Type rolled his eyes.
Tharn shrugged.
"Just listen to your boss my little bitch."
Type took in a very deep breathe to then grab some food to then dig in to eat fast.
"I am not your little anything and you need to stop calling me that word!"
Tharn slowly looked up to raise an eye brow to see type way and quick to then get up to throw the finished contents away to then go about to grab his jacket to then leave with slamming the door.
Tharn eyed the back to narrow his eyes.
Just you wait type..... Just you wait, this is so not over, just wait for what I have in store for you.

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