Chapter 106

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Hancheng:! ! ! !

Han Cheng immediately shook his hand, "It's the Emperor Lao Tzu who is here today, and don't even think about separating our hands."

Shen Qingshu laughed instantly, with a soft voice: "You don't need to say that."

He He shook Han Cheng's hand and said happily, "Let's go."

Han Cheng looked at him like this, and felt that he was really like a primary school student who had just fallen in love at this time, and he had to hold his hand and hold his hand. happy.

He couldn't help squeezing Shen Qingshu's hand, pulling him forward.

But as soon as the two of them walked out the door, Shen Qingshu immediately pulled out his hand again.

Han Cheng: ...

"Wait until the movie theater." Shen Qingshu explained to him, "Otherwise, if someone sees it, it will be bad."

So just the two steps, then you still have to hold hands?

Han Cheng looked at him helplessly, what he could say, he could only touch Shen Qingshu's head, "Okay, do what you say."

His future wife is not to be favored by him.

The wife said she would hold hands, and the wife said she wouldn't hold them if she didn't.

When Shen Qingshu heard him say this, he became happy again, "Whatever I say?"

"Of course, I'm so good to you, but it's not just what you say."

This is true .

He was even happier thinking about it this way, and there was a little bit of starlight in Han Cheng's eyes.

Han Cheng smiled and squeezed his face, "Quickly don't look anymore, I'll have to kiss you here again."

Shen Qingshu was taken aback and hurriedly backed away.

Han Cheng laughed and took his arm and walked towards the elevator.

Shen Qing took out his arm silently and walked side by side with him.

He glanced at Han Cheng secretly, feeling a little regretful, he actually wanted Han Cheng to kiss him.

Even now they have not been officially announced, so they can't have such an intimate behavior outside.

So when will they announce it?

He thought of this, but he was a little worried. He had never been in love before he wore the book, so naturally he hadn't thought about this issue.

Now that he is in love, he should naturally consider this issue.

It's just that, although the words he and Han Cheng said to Bai Jian before were deliberately offending him, some things are indeed the same.

He is still on the rise, and he certainly can't make his love affair public at this time, so Hancheng is destined to have to wait.

They will not be able to tell everyone that we are together until his coffee position stabilizes or he has achieved a certain degree.

Otherwise, with Hancheng's identity, if he is officially announced now, probably only fans will think that he really likes Hancheng, and other people will think that he is more interested in Hancheng's fame and fortune.

And Han Cheng...

Shen Qing thought about it rationally, he couldn't even guarantee that his fans would feel that Han Cheng really loved him.

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