Little modeling

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After her work Jisoo comes to see the photographer check her pictures " Is it's good for the magazine cover?" She asks the photographer " Yes it's so good thanks for your hard works Jisoo" the photographer praise her work Jisoo nods and smile at him " Ah Jisoo I want to ask if you want to be a model for our kids' magazine because if we are searching for kids modeling and I see you son is better than anyone so do you want him to work with us?" Jisoo thinks a bit " Isn't he too young? My son is just three years old " she asks and looks at him again " No he is a match for our standard" Jisoo nods " Then I will contact you after then I off see you next time". Jisoo goes to the makeup room to take her son home " Dalki ahh, honey we are going home now" When she comes to the makeup she saw her son with some makeup artist who plays and Dalki runs around the room " Yay mommy is back and we are going home now, goodbye Unnies" Dalki runs to his mom and hugs her legs then turn to the makeup artistes to say goodbye to them in a cute voice tone and waves his small pinky hand " Bye-bye Dalki see you next time " The Unnies waves their hand too. Jisoo carries her son toward the car and heads to her condo.

When she arrives at the condo and prepares to take Dalki to shower. Some minutes after the bell rings, she goes to the door and sees her brother. " Why are you opening the door so late?" Jae-Wook asks and places the food box that he bought on his way. Jisoo closes the door " Because I bath Dalki" After she says that Dalki runs off the bathroom naked to his uncle " AWW my little strawberry, do you hungry?" Jae-Wook asks and Dalki nods " Dalki you're not finished your bath yet and next time don't come out like this unless you have some clothes on understand? What if you caught a cold" Jisoo complained then Jae-Wook takes Dalki to the bathroom to bathe him and put pajama on. On the other side, Jisoo is putting the food on the plate for three of them in the kitchen and preparing those at the dining table. Dalki runs to the dining table with his uncle behind him " Dalki ahh don't run son" his mom scolds him " sorry mom" Dalki says and sits on the table "Oppa you spoil him so much till he doesn't listen to me anymore" after she said that, her brother looks at her" Since when did I spoil him? Right Dalki?" Dalki is nodding his head along with his uncle's word " Alright you two stop being lovey-dovey and start eating" together they eat and laugh as other families do.

After dinner, Jae-Wook goes back to his home because he has work to do tomorrow morning. Jisoo takes Dalki to bed and starts to read the fairy tale for her son to sleep. She read the fairy tale then she realize that her son had already as asleep, Jisoo cover Dalki with a blanket and kiss his forehead before getting of the room. When she finished her shower she thinks about the photographer words that he want Dalki to become his model for the kids' magazine "Maybe that is not the worst thing because I don't have too much time for him and if he is with me is more safety than in the kindergarten I can keep an eye on him and spend more time with my son". After her, though she grabbed her phone to call the photographer " Hello, yes this is Jisoo" She said politely " Oh yes Jisoo Hello" the photographer replied " Yes I called you because of your request about my son to be the modeling for the magazines, I though about it and yes a I will accept that my son will be your modeling" Jisoo said slowly " Really that's wonderful do you have any shoot tomorrow if you're not we can start tomorrow already" the photographer said in joie " Yes I will, see you tomorrow then" They ended the call and Jisoo went to bed earlier because she should takes her son to the studio tomorrow"

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