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3rd POV

After Venti told Xiao that he had left Hu Tao behind, Xiao instantly went back to the same place with Venti and searched for Hu Tao, but to no avail.

Xiao sighed. 

"She probably went already went back home. Why am I so paranoid?"

Venti shot him a worried glance.

"I feel like something horrible might happen."

Xiao stayed silent. He felt the same too.

"Let's go to her house to check." He said.

They arrived at a quite fabulous mansion. Hu Tao's family is quite rich.

However, Venti didn't have time to take in the beautiful house, he and Xiao hurried to the door and knocked on it.

A couple opened the door.

"Huh? Oh hello, Xiao! Is Hu Tao back with you?" The man beamed at the boy.

"Isn't she already back?" Xiao widened his eyes. Venti gave him a worried look.

"No?" The woman looked at them in confusion.

"We need to go look for her." Xiao started walking away. 

"Wait! Xiao!" Venti grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "We need to let her parents know what happened."

Xiao thought for a while and agreed. 

The couple stood there confused.

Hu Tao's parents were quite calm after knowing what happened. They ordered some guards to start looking for her, and they went to look for help too.

Venti and Xiao looked everywhere, but no one found her. 

That night, Venti went to Xiao's room.

"Xiao? Are you asleep yet?" He asked softly, peeking into Xiao's room.

He was Xiao in the bed, curled up into a ball.

He must be exhausted after all the searching. Venti sat beside him.

Suddenly, Xiao started to stir. His breathing became ragged and sweat dripped from his forehead. 

Venti stared worriedly at him.

"No...no no please-" Xiao murmured in his sleep.

"Xiao?" Venti shook him gently, trying to wake him.

"No..." Xiao breathed heavily. 

Is he suffocating? 

"Hey, Xiao, wake up-" Venti nudged him again, a little harder than before.

Xiao jolted right up from his bed, panting, eyes widened in fear.

"Ven...Venti?" Xiao glanced at the male beside him.

"Was it a nightmare?" Venti asked, concerned.

Xiao sighed. "It's nothing. It happens normally. I'll just walk around and calm down."

Xiao left his room and went for a stroll in the hallways. Venti stared at the opened door.

For the next few days, they continued searching for Hu Tao, but there was still no news about her.

 They went to Ganyu for help.

"WHAT? HU TAO WENT MISSING?" Ganyu yelped.

Venti nodded and sighed.

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