Surveillance Videos And OPR

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    I can’t believe how much of an ass, Thomas is being. He acts like it is somehow my fault that the Texas Patriots have disappeared and fallen off the face of the earth. Couldn’t be that he wouldn’t give me more than a four-man team to watch them. Couldn’t be that he kept pulling my team for other assignments and having me do paperwork. Couldn’t be his fault. He won’t send me a team here either. He wants me to confront the MC. I am hesitant because I do undercover work. If I expose my identity to them and then need to go undercover later in an MC, I am fucked. He is going to use this case to push me out. I know it, he knows I know it. Even if it doesn’t push me out, it ruins my undercover work. Maybe I can use the local PD to help.

    There is only a couple of bright sides to this case. No matter what happened to the Texas Patriots, they are done. The other bright side is Tech. He is smart, sexy, funny, and able to calm me. I don’t how I would have handled Thomas’s attitude today without him. I texted him to talk and he calmed me. Now I am calm and sitting in my room watching surveillance videos. The last time I have found them on video anywhere is at a gas station in Des Moines, New Mexico.  The few places around town and near here, that have videos from the time frame, no sign of them. No evidence the videos have been edited or altered. I have been digging into Alejandro Garcia more too. He had a lot of enemies. When he got injured a few months ago, he pissed off his allies and his clients. His being with them could have caused their demise, anywhere between here and there. I just need to get Thomas to see that.

     My phone rings interrupting my search into others who want Alejandro gone. “Hello,” I answer without looking at who was calling. “Hey, Ryder. I need to talk to you about something.” comes the reply of one of my best friends. He used to work with me and transferred to the OPR, Office of Professional Responsibility. Basically, the FBI’s internal affairs. If he is calling me and needing to talk, it’s probably not good. “Okay. What’s up, Trey?” I ask. “Well, I have two things to talk to you about. I am doing this off the clock and after hours since we are friends. No one can know about this conversation.” he replies. “ I won’t say a word,” I assure him. “Thomas wrote a report that he thinks you are on the take. So there will be an investigation into that. The other thing is Thomas is under investigation. Sandra Houston made a complaint against him. She stated that he was pushing her and you out. He told her to plant evidence, to have cause to arrest and pressure a member of the Crips last month. According to her complaint, he does this often with others. So when they call you in for the interview, it will be about both. I know you’re not on the take, so that should be cleared up soon.” Trey tells me. “Shit. I was going to make a complaint myself soon. He wants me to question the local MC here. He won’t give me a team and if I do it, there goes my undercover work. Also, there is no proof that the Texas Patriots even made it here. They were hired by and traveled with Alejandro Garcia. Garcia had recently pissed off a bunch of people. Now, they have all disappeared off the face of the earth. I have told Thomas multiple times that there is no evidence putting them here. He won’t listen. He keeps saying this is my fuck up and I have to fix it or I am gone.” I reply. “Make sure you tell them that. We may have you help us set him up. Thomas will probably try to get you to plant evidence like he did with Sandra.” Trey says excitedly. We talk a little more and say our goodbyes.

    Just what I need to be a pawn in a game of chess between OPR and Thomas. Man two more videos and then I am off to bed so I am ready for tomorrow. I am looking forward to a day with Tech and meeting Ivy.

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