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After that incident in Atlantis, Keefe felt... lighter. Happier, even.

And it was finally that time of year.

The time of the...*Drumroll*


Keefe always made it to the top ten because of his obvious and very great mental strength. He never won, of course, because Fitz always won.

But it was fun to try, and Keefe wouldn't want to win anyway. Winning would make his father wayyy too happy, and his father didn't deserve that kind of happiness.

Plus, Fitz always gave his pardon to Keefe anyway, so that was great.


The first match, Keefe paired up with a kid he barely knew, since Fitz would destroy him and Keefe wanted a fighting chance.

Or at least he wanted to make it to the top ten, because then Keefe would be able to feel proud of that and bother his father for not making it first. Keefe won in the first call of, "SPLOTCH!," of course. He went to where all the winners would stand.

Keefe watched everyone else to see how they were doing in their matches. Fitz did not win in his first try like Keefe did, but to his credit, he chose an opponent that would be hard.

Biana struggled to catch her splotcher which Linia, another level two had thrown at her.

Keefe watched other people he knew too, such as Foster.

He mainly watched Foster.

Only because she was new here and he was curious to see how she was doing. She couldn't have practiced with humans.

That was the only reason, of course.

She had paired up with Dex, and Keefe saw her struggle to catch the splotcher milliseconds before it hit the ground.

Oof. That was really close.

Dex said something Keefe couldn't hear and he saw Sophie roll her eyes in annoyance.

He could feel that annoyance, radiating off her. Keefe could also tell something was different about this round. Foster's determination surged through him, energizing him.

Wow, if that was what feeling her emotions felt like, he wanted to be near her all the time.

Keefe saw Foster's shoulders straighten, he saw her close her eyes, and he could feel her power flowing through him.

Wasn't she just a level two?

Her determination hit him like a T-Rex, and though he can't actually absorb power, Sophie felt.. Powerful. Like that was an actual emotion she was feeling.

He closed his eyes, too, hoping no one would notice and draw a sharpie mustache on him.

When Sir Caron called, "SPLOTCH," Both Keefe and Foster opened their eyes and Keefe watched in amaze as the splotcher hit Dex square on his mouth, pink goo dripping down his chin.

Dex stared at Foster in shock, and Keefe would have too if he hadn't been feeling her feelings.

"Well done, Sophie!" Sir Caton sounded really surprised.

How was Keefe able to feel Foster's emotions from all the way here, but could only rely on his observations for everyone else?

And how in the entire Elvin world did Sophie beat Dex second try with no practice at all?

The next round, both Keefe and Fitz won their matches really easily. Biana, unfortunately for her, lost against another level two named Adira. Foster was paired against that nasty Heks girl, but Keefe didn't feel worried for Foster anymore.

KEEFER Of The Lost Cities(EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now