Chapter 79

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Once upon a time....
I was sweet and innocent......
And then shit happened..
- Joker

Him- Chan (Kane)
The sight of Imani peacefully sleeping in my arms, brought joy to my heart. I wanted moments like these to last forever. Her birthday is on the 24th of September, maybe we can get married then.

No i don't think she would want that, but also it wouldn't be so bad to celebrate our anniversary the same day as her birthday right? No. Maybe we could do my birthday, no that's to far... 30 of December.
You know what, let's just get married 4 days from now, yeah... 12 September, not so bad.

Tomorrow I'll make sure to let Imani know.
"You're up early", her sweet angelic voice echoed around the room.
"I got a call from Jin an hour ago, there're a few people who are causing trouble for me, so I have to go handle that. I'll call you later ok." I said to her as I kissed her forehead.

"Oh ok", she replied in a sleepy tone.

"Oh, for the wedding, let's have it on the 12 of September".

"That's in 4 days, ok it's not so bad. I'll get Violet on the phone to make the final preparations".

"And then you will finally be my Mrs. Kim", I leaned on the bed again and gave her another kiss, making her giggle.

"I'll be yours Mr. Kim".

"I'm off to the office, if you need me, I'm a phone call away".

"Ok, drive safely or I'll kill you", I chuckled at her statement and got up walking to the door. I was about to exit when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"I'm serious Kim, I will kill you if you get hurt", I turned around and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll make sure to come back to you with no scratches ok", she nodded her head in response.

" I love you", I said, lightly grabbing her chin and making her face me, as I place a kiss on her soft addictive lips. Lord only knows how deep I fell for her.

" I love you too", she said.

"Can I go now?"

"Ok". I walked out and headed to my office.

Imani POV
I got out of bed and went to the shower to do my regular morning routine, after I finished I walked into the walk in closet and put on white cargo pants with a black and white oversized t-shirt and off white forces.

Once finished, I made my way downstairs had breakfast and started with the final wedding preparation. My mother, sisters and Violet came over and the living room was a mess.

We had different designs and snacks everywhere. We have limited time to get everything ready and fly out to Dubai. Tomorrow we have to fly to Dubai for the dress fitting and to check out the venue before the wedding.

After a few hours, the front door opened and deep voices and laughter was coming from there. Kane came back with Jay, Jin and obviously my brothers.
I got up and walked over to them, I took off  Kanes blazer and placed it on the couch.

"Hello Hakim, long time no see", I said giving a pure smile ignoring Kane because he refused to get me ice cream yesterday.

"Hello my lovely sister", he pulled me into a loving hug and whispered, "getting married before me, as your older brother I feel betrayed".

"It's not my fault girls don't like you", I whispered back. Malik pulled me away from Hakim and gave me a very tight hug.

"You know even though you annoy me, I really missed you", he said.

"Malik I can't breathe", he loosened his grip.

"I've missed you too Malik, now get of me".

"Gladly", he said and made his way to the living room.

"Imani", my older brother says.

"Amari", I replied walking up to him and pulling him into a deep hug.

"Is he treating you well".

"Yeah, but I was craving ice cream yesterday and he refused to get it for me".

"I'll handle him", I pulled out and gave him a warm smile. I was about to follow him into the living room, when a pair of large arms pulled me into a very hard chest.

"Mrs. Kim, I think you forgot someone".

"Oh did I now, Mr. Kim".

"Yes you did and that someone is very sad, because you forgot him".

"And who may this sad person be?"

"You're soon to be husband", he said in a baby voice.

"My apologies", I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my level. We made eye contact for a while before I pulled him in for a kiss.

Shit I gave into him, I'm supposed to be mad.
Imani you idiot!!!

"Is my soon to be husband feeling better now?"

"Very much", we walked over to the living room together and joined everyone else with wedding preparations.

"Already keeping my daughter away from me Kane".

"My apologies Mrs. Abbas".

"So tomorrow I need y'all on a plane to Dubai no discussion. Mr. Kim I hope you sorted all you work problems out, because you won't be returning until after your wedding", Violet announced.

"You too gentle men", she said indicating that she is speaking to my brothers and Kane's brothers.

"All sorted", Kane replied.

"Great, I'll need all of you to pack your bags and prepare for tomorrow. Don't forget to eat and get some rest, ok", she sternly said.

"Especially you, we don't want a tiered bride".

"Yes ma'am", I replied.

"Ok well, my flight leaves tonight, I'll take my leave", she said, bowing and exiting the room.

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