☀️ Chapter 1 ☀️

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"Stay here until we get back." Your father says, smiling. "Yeah we'll only be two hours, it's your sisters special day!" Your mother says putting her hand on your shoulder. You smile, though in reality your incredibly nervous. You look at the golden statue looming over you. It's tall figure frightens you, it seems to resemble a sun and.. a moon? "It's creepy..." You mumble to yourself in a soft voice.

"Yeah, at least it's not as scary as those map.. things." Your dad says shuddering. Your mother nods. "Bye (y/n)!" Your sister says, practically bouncing with joy. Her blonde hair swings in the air as she struggles to stand still. "Calm down sweetie, let's go now." Your mother says softly. "Where do I go..?" You say, tugging on your mothers shirt. "Oh right! Silly me, just slide down that slide." She says pointing at a rainbow tunnel slide that seems to go straight down to the daycare. You waddle closer to the daycare, pressing your face against the fence that prevents you from falling.

"We'll be going now, bye sweetie!" You nod, then turn your head towards the slide. Your legs shake a little, the slide is really high up. You turn around but your family's already gone. Your throat becomes dry, and your nose begins to sting, then you know that your about to cry. "Mama..?" You call out, not moving from your spot. You cover your face with your hands and begin to quietly sob. You feel embarrassed, but your scared. Your all alone in a big scary place.

How do I get in there? I don't wanna go in the playground... too many kids. Too much noise.

"Hellooo?" Your head jerks upwards and looks towards where the noise was emitting from. "The slide..?" You whisper to yourself. The voice echoed from the bottom of the slide, a long way down. The voice was so sudden that you hadn't realized you stopped crying. "Who's that?" You say poking your head into the slide, trying to see who it is. It's no use though, the slide twists and turns so there's really no way of telling who's at the bottom. And trying to look past the fence won't work either, there's a huge net surrounding the daycares play place.

The net has lots and lots of holes, you attempt to peak through them but all you see is.. a ball pit? Is someone in it? "Hey, are you crying?!" The voice echoes from the bottom of the slide. "That won't do!" Suddenly you hear tumbling noise coming from in the slide, is someone climbing up?! In a panic, you contemplate hiding somewhere but you can't think of a spot. So instead you shout. "Please stop your scaring me!" The tumbling noise stops, but only for a moment. It continues again but this time it's getting.. quieter? It looks like whoever was climbing up is now climbing back down. You feel a little guilty.

"I didn't know I was frightening you." The voice echoes, sounding upset. Something about the voice was off, like it wasn't.. human. "But it's a real shame, I was just about to give every kid a sun drop!" Your eyes light up with curiosity. "Sun drop?" You say, confused. The tumbling starts again, getting louder and louder. In fear, you quickly back into the fence and crouch beside the slide. Your not hidden very well, but if they had just left the slide.. they wouldn't see me. Finally the tumbling and thudding stops. Tap. They set something down at the entrance of the slide.

Tumble tumble. Whoever just climbed up is now sliding back down. You can hear the voice cheering happily as it slides down the colorful slide. "Hey, if you come down here I'll give you an extra one!" An extra what? You peak your head around the slide, a candy? It's plastic wrapped, at first glance it looks like a simple butterscotch candy. You approach it and see the words "SUNDROP" engraved into the candy. You pick up the sweet and begin to unwrap it, its sticky, sugary, golden appearance tempts you. You place it in your mouth and immediately smile.

It's flavor is so incredible, the sweetness of the butterscotch mixed with a hint of lemon. You suck on the candy for a minute, then bite into it. There's even more flavor on the inside.. is that.. honey?! You look at the rainbow colored slide. "It may look scary, but it's really fun!" The voice says cheerfully. You crawl towards the entrance. Your breath is shaky, your hands are shaky.. but that sweet was extraordinary. You hold the sides of the slide and change your crawling position into a sitting one.

You take a deep breath. "Im coming down!" You yell. No response. You take another breath and then...

Sunshine (Sun x Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now