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New LONG late chapter for the holidays!!! (I'M SO SORRY ONCE AGAIN)




   The next morning, Yoongi woke up in an unfamiliar place. It took a few moments for him to come around, but when he did, his heart immediately felt warm. He was in the house of his mate, surrounded comfortably by her delicious scent. A deep rumble vibrated out of Yoongi's chest, and he snuggled his face further into his pillow. It would be even better if he could bury himself into your hair, but the scented pillow would suffice for now.

   After a few more minutes of bliss, Yoongi rose from the couch and made his way to the bathroom. The night before, you had informed him that you would leave some clothes out for him to take a shower. He began to rumble again at the thought of you taking care of him. He climbed into the shower, took a relaxing twenty minutes shower, and climbed back out. Yoongi then got changed into the put out clothes (they were Woomin's, he quickly realized. He immediately gushed out pints of his own scent to cover it up) and left the bathroom.

   Feeling fresh after his shower, Yoongi walked into the kitchen to make breakfast after checking to make sure you were still asleep. He opened up your refrigerator and pulled out leftover rice and bacon, deciding to mix up Korean and American meals. He searched through your cupboards for a pan and put the bacon on the burner at a medium setting, taking out some rice and heating it up afterwards. Once the bacon was thoroughly cooked along with the rice, Yoongi took out two plates and filled them up before placing yours in the still warm oven to keep it warm.

   Yoongi quickly ate his meal and washed the dishes he used before he made his way back to your room. Carefully and quietly, he kneeled in front of your bed and lovingly stroked your hair as you slept, you burrowing into his scent gland on his arm once unconsciously sensing his presence. "I've got to go now, puppy," Yoongi whispered. "I'll mind link you later, okay?" He knew you were still asleep, so he didn't expect anything being said. "Okay. Bye, baby." Yoongi stood up from the ground after giving you a quick peck on the cheek and nose before walking back to the kitchen to write a quick note to you and exited swiftly when he was done.


   You woke up the next morning after your date with your mate feeling happy and content. It'd been a very long time since you'd had so much fun with someone other than Woomin and it was honestly refreshing.

   There were recent traces of Yoongi's addicting scent in your room and on your pillow, making you bury your nose into it happily. You stayed in your bed for a few more minutes before getting up and padding into your kitchen.

   At the sight of fresh food in your oven, your heart swelled with warmth and happiness. With a quiet rumble from your throat, you removed the plate from its position and sad down at your table hungrily. After sending a quick prayer of thanks to the Moon Goddess, you picked up your fork and dug into your meal.

   While you were happily munching away at your delicious breakfast, you noticed a sheet of paper with your name on it on the table. You grabbed it and began to read:

     Good morning, baby. Or I assume it'll still be morning by the time you see this. But anyway,           just wanted to briefly say that I left before you woke up due to an early schedule. I decided to         make breakfast for you as an apology, which I left in the oven to keep warm. Mind link me               when you finish eating? I would love to set up a date with you. Anyway, enjoy your meal pup.         I'll always answer a mind link from you.

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