chapter 39- sleeping

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throughout the rest of our time at the park, we ride the forbidden journey more times than i can count. we also ride the other ride, but only once because tubbo insists that the forbidden journey is cooler.

one the seventh time around on the forbidden journey, i swear i almost throw up.

the clock hits 7:55, and the loudspeaker over the park announces that the park will be closing in five minutes. so the four of us make our way out the park and run to catch the 8:10 bus.

we reach the bus station (barely on time) and squeeze ourselves into some seats.

cramped very tightly together. 


the second i sit down, i feel my eyelids getting heavy. as fun as today was, it was also insanely exhausting. keeping tommy and tubbo in check (both on leash and off leash), walking around all day, and constantly turning our internet personalities on and off for the vlog.

believe it or not, it's a lot to keep up with.

"i'm so tired," aubrey whispers and she rubs her forehead.

"i was thinking the same thing," i say. aubrey promptly rests her head on my shoulder and i can see her eyes flutter shut.

"night, wilbur," she says, her perfect scent filling my nostrils yet again.

"good night, aubrey," i say as i rest my head on hers. sleep quickly drifts over the both of us as we rest the entire bus ride back to the hotel.


tommy's pov

i quietly scroll through the various clips i got from today that i can incorporate in my vlog.

aubrey's wand ceremony? i have to include that.

the first time we rode the forbidden journey? for sure include that.

the eleventh time we rode the forbidden journey? nah, i can scratch that one.

the seventh time we rode the forbidden journey and wilbur almost threw up? DEFINITELY include that.

i snort as the sound of wilbur shouting "i'm going to vomit. or pass out. or both!" flows through my earbuds.

today was perfect. everything i wanted it to be.

i look to my right to see tubbo asleep, his mouth hanging open and his head tilted back. i'm tempted to take a video now and include it in the vlog, but i know tubbo would kill me if i did that. so i resist the urge.

but he looks so funny! just take a video for your personal use!

i quietly giggle maniacally as my subconscious voice rolls around in my head.

my subconscious is an evil genius.

i get out my phone and record tubbo sleeping for a few seconds, before i see him jolt in his sleep. i almost drop my phone out of fear that he's going to wake up and catch me recording him.

i continue to scroll though my videos until i grow bored. i've gotten a good amount of footage, and i think a few more videos will make this weekend vlog the perfect length.

i look up and see a sight i wasn't prepared for.

aubrey sleeping on wilbur's shoulder and wilbur's head resting on her head.

they wouldn't mind if i...

i raise my phone and record them for a few seconds. i check the video and smile.

i think this is the type of content aubrey was talking about earlier.

(A/N wilbreyyyyy :') i don't really have anything to say for this author's note so... i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for reading! i know this chapter was short but i still hope you liked it LOL. and of course! please vote, comment, share, and add this to your reading lists! i would really appreciate it :D i hope you have a fantastic day!! <3)

let me down slowly - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now