France and I Getting Together?!

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*blushes dark red of the bondage idea* uh...okay~ but its because he was sweet to me after my recent break up he was there for me all the steps of the way so~

Another question~

Would you and Alice ever, and i mean ever, get together as in dating?

- LucyxH

France and I looked at each other. I blushed and ran off. "I have to pee! Answer this yourself!"

France took the computer and started to type.

Bonjour Lucy~. What you don't know is Alice is... Very young compared to moi. She's only 16 and moi, I don't need to give people another reason to call moi a rapist or pedophile. I think she will make some boy very happy one day. And whoever that is, is very lucky. Oui. That is mon answer. Maybe when she's older, Oui? ;D

Merci pour la question.

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