Chapter Eighteen: To Find A Home.

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"Dad, I can take care of it. Marcus is here as well. You don't have to cancel your trip to London," Silas tried to reason with his father, who has been extremely worried since Silas broke the news of his house break-in incident. "We have all the help we need here. We will update you with everything. Silas is right, you should not cancel your trip." Marcus added.

Owen rubbed his temple, he hasn't been able to think straight since Silas and Marcus showed up at his office. They told him about everything that has been happening for the past couple of months. He was not surprised to find that Silas has been hiding this from him. They try not to worry their father anymore. They have been extra careful of his health – especially since Ruby died. Owen slowly nodded his head, "Alright, boys. I am sure you can take care of it. But remember, Marcus, I need you to update me every day with the situation. And please, Silas, don't take matters into your own hands. Let the authorities do their work," Owen advised his sons.

Silas rolled his eyes, "I know. That's what everyone has been telling me." He mumbled.

Marcus smiled at his father, "Of course, Dad. I will let you know about everything. When are you leaving for London?" He asked.

Owen heaved a sigh, "Tomorrow morning," He replied. "I am taking Franklin with me. He has never been out of the country. It might be refreshing for him," Owen added.

Marcus and Silas were surprised to know that Franklin will be flying to London with their father. "Really? Does he know?" Silas chuckled. Owen smiled and nodded his head, "Yes, I asked him to accompany me a few days ago and he agreed." Owen replied.

Silas was impressed. Franklin had a hard life. He had seen a lot of difficulties in his life and it is about time he relaxes a bit. Both his children are doing well in their lives. They are settled and happy in their lives. It is time for Franklin to take a break as well. Silas smiled, "I am glad he is going with you, Dad. Does Maria know?" He asked.

Owen shrugged, "I think he didn't tell her yet, but he did go to Marcus's place after he came to know that Maria will be spending her time with Charlie and Elizabeth there," Owen answered. "Maybe he went to tell her," He added.

"How long will you be gone?" Maria asked her father when he broke the news of him going on a trip to London with Owen. She wasn't expecting such news. Leo has been asking their father to come back to Chicago as well, but something always comes up, and also, Maria doesn't want him to go and permanently live with Leo.

Franklin sighed, "A month. Owen insisted that I come along with him. He wants me to visit London," He chuckled.

Maria smiled. It was very nice of Owen to ask her father to go with him. He hardly ever go out – let alone travel to another country. All his life, he has been a responsible father. For once, it will be nice for him to enjoy himself. Owen and Franklin are very good friends and they both enjoy each other's company. It will be nice for these two friends to be off their fatherly duties for once. This is why Maria didn't bring what happened last night in front of her father. She wants him to go without any worries. He has worried enough in his life.

Franklin, Maria, Charlie, and Elizabeth had lunch together. Elizabeth did plan to go out for lunch unknowingly of what happened last night, but Charlie lied about Kathie's not feeling well – who was sleeping in her room and they ended up having lunch at home. Maria was thankful for Charlie's quick thinking. Elizabeth is leaving with her brother for Chicago today, and Maria doesn't want her to worry about them. She is already feeling a little down, leaving her father and brothers to live in another city.

After lunch, Elizabeth went to Silas's home to find it empty. She had some of her things there which she needed to pack with the rest of her things. As she expected Silas was at work and his dog was with Maira. What Elizabeth noticed was that there was more than usual security around his house. She wondered what it was about, then realized about Silas and Maria's wedding news going out and maybe Silas increased the security to keep the media away from his life. Elizabeth didn't think more about it as she already had so much work to do. She collected her things and went back to Leo's hotel, where she had brought the rest of her luggage.

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