Sealing letters

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Detention with Malfoy. That sounded familiar.

His housemates were all gossiping about how Malfoy had thrown his wand at him during the battle. People hardly noticed that before, but now everyone was talking about it.

   What? He has the right to take credit for it, Harry reminded himself.
He did save my life, after all; whether or not it was done for his own goods.

The rest of the evening went on, with Harry trying, but failing to concentrate on his homework. Soon came time for detention, so Harry walked out of the common room, towards McGonagall's office.


Draco stepped in McGonagall's office five minutes earlier, and as usual, Potter arrived five minutes late. They were going to help her owl her letters.

    "I'll fold the envelopes" Harry volunteered. "You'll wax?"

    Draco nodded
   "Wise decision, you'll probably burn yourself before the first letter is sealed."

   Harry rolled his eyes, which did the opposite effect as intended, since Draco accounted that as adorable.

They cooperated well, both keeping their mouths shut.

Everything went smoothly until Draco burned himself with a candle.
   He cursed, instinctively putting his finger in his mouth.

"You alright?"

Draco didn't know whether Potter said that to be polite, or if he was actually concerned.

"Why do you care?"

Harry ignored the question.

"Maybe we should go grab some Burn-Healing Paste."

Draco was taken aback by how Potter had said we instead of you.

"As much as you'd like to think otherwise, I don't need your help, Potter. I'm not a damsel in distress, and you're not some handsome prince trying to rescue me."

"Okay, well go grab it. We still got tons of letters to seal."

"Then why don't you start sealing them now?"

"Because I thought that you didn't need my help." Potter said, a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"You're insufferable," Draco said, and left the room to grab the medicine.

What was his deal? Why was Potter acting like this? One day he'd say he should have let you die, and the hour later he'd offer his help to get medicine for you.

      Draco really couldn't understand.

      But there was one thing he was certain of: He loved to argue with Potter.


When Malfoy finally reappeared, Harry was beaming.

"Thirteen letters."

"What?" Draco was perplexed.

"Thirteen letters. That's how many you sealed before you burned yourself."


Harry's smile grew larger.

"I'm at sixteen right now. However, if you don't like the fact that I am better at this, you can take your revenge tomorrow."

"How proud can you Gryffindors get?" Draco said, clearly not pleased that he had lost.

"Well I thought you Slytherins were ambitious." Harry said with a daring smile.

"Just wait until tomorrow and you'll see that I'm obviously better."

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