Jaime Lannister X Stark!Reader - White Flag (Part 2)

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A/N - This is the second part of an existing chapter in this book. Please go and give that a read before continuing with this chapter. For this part to make sense, Jaime was never captured by the Starks and returned to King's Landing unharmed. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You had been so relieved when you'd first seen Winterfell on the horizon. Travelling had started to take its toll on you, and as much as you hated to admit it, you had wanted nothing more than to give up for the last week or so of your journey. And now here you were, your eyes roaming over the vast landscape and the place you had always thought of as home. It was one of the best feelings you'd ever felt. 

And then, as you'd gotten closer, you'd noticed the banners hanging from the outer walls. The Stark banner was nowhere to be seen, replaced instead by an image of the flayed man. The Bolton's. 

Perhaps, if you had spent less time avoiding being seen, you would have overheard the rumours spreading through the taverns. You would have heard of how the Greyjoy boy had turned his back on your family; how the Bolton's had chased them out; and how they had gone on to betray Robb and Catelyn at the Twins. 

But you'd been so cautious in your travels that when you'd finally made it to the gate and told the guards your name, you had been completely clueless as to what lay in wait on the other side. 

*Time Skip*

Jaime had never hated anything more than his morning meetings with his father. Every morning, he would sit silently whilst Tywin opened his mail. And every morning, he would be bored shitless. But his father had always insisted that his company was required, and so, even though he detested the event, he would attend every morning at the exact same time. 

This morning, however, something was different. Tywin had let out as close to a gleeful chuckle as he could get, placing one of the parchments down on the breakfast table with a bright smile.

"Good news," he began, his eyes focusing on Jaime, drawing his attention away from the food in front of him. "The Bolton's have taken a new prisoner. Y/N Stark walked straight into Winterfell and handed herself in." 

Jaime's entire body stiffened at his father's words, attempting to keep a level head at the news of your capture. "They'll keep her alive, won't they?" 

Tywin hesitated for a moment. "There's no real point. With Sansa here, and the rest of the family dead, there's no reason to keep her alive."

"But the Northern houses will revolt. The people have always loved Y/N-"

Tywin hummed, interrupting Jaime midsentence. "It seems the people are very fond of her, yes. And they were fond of her brother too, but they seem to have forgotten all about that little incident rather quickly. Their loyalty is fading, Jaime."


"Y/N is a sweet girl, and it will be a shame to see it come to such nastiness, but whilst she is alive she will always be a threat to us. And once she is gone, we can focus on keeping Joffrey in line." 

Jaime nodded slightly, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. "I have a meeting to attend," he finally announced, getting to his feet rather suddenly and giving Tywin a final glance. "Goodbye, Father."

Tywin waved his hand at his son, his focus already returning to the parchment in front of him. "Yes, yes. Goodbye," he murmured, his eyes scanning over the ink. 

*Time Skip*

At first, Jaime wondered whether, perhaps, running off on his own in order to come to your rescue was a mistake. After all, he was one man, and the Bolton's had an entire army at their disposal. It was a fool's errand. But he couldn't shake the worry that had been hanging over him from the moment the words had left his father's mouth. You were in danger, and with Ramsay Snow in full control of your imprisonment. It was enough to make him feel sick to his stomach, and so off he had ridden in the hopes of reaching you in time. 

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