{10} ヤンデレ {10}

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~Y/N's POV~

"Miss Manager.....don't you have any other friends?" I asked quietly and her shoulders slumped "Mitsuki won't go because she has other matters to deal with......and no"


I groaned "But I'm not really good at fancy parties.....I wasn't even that good at clubbing" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck and she chuckled "You'll be fine and I'll be right by your side! These parties get thrown like every year, haven't you heard of them.....?"

I raised a brow "How many years has it been going on?"


She made it sound like it's been happening for an eternity.

My shoulders slumped "Who's hosting this party anyways?" I questioned and she smiled "Um.....some rich guy?" She said in a questioning tone and I facepalmed "Are we even allowed to be in there?" I questioned and she nodded "It'll be fine!"

I sighed "Alright! I'll go"

She hugged me "Thank you!"

I smiled "Ok so.....what should I wear?" I questioned and she rubbed the back of her head "Ok.....so I know that I told you that it was a really fancy party but it's really.....not?" She elaborated "It's more of a.....party that you would go to in Highschool! Except with a way bigger house, more alcohol.....(drugs) and half naked people"

So it'll be like going to a strip club.

.....sounds like so much fun.

"So....are you trying to tell me that I should dress half naked?" I asked and she gasped "Whaaaaaa.....noooooo.....I would neeeevvvverr"

She totally is.

I sighed "I'm sure I'll find something in my closet" I said and she grinned "Alright! I'll pick you up in 3 hours"

What is it with her and making plans 3 hours before the events start?

"Ok....." I mumbled as she skipped down the sidewalk and towards the bus stop to get to her home as I walked into my own home.

She had basically ambushed me.

I walked up to my room and began looking through my closet "Mhm....."

I smiled "Got it~"

~Time Skip~

(Outfit & Make-Up Below)

(Outfit & Make-Up Below)

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