"The Monsters Are Real"

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~~Evelyn Dayne~~

Two men dawning armor with the sigil of House Targaryen on them slowly walk forward, their white cloaks off to the side.

One of them carries the Dawn, carrying the title of Sword of the Morning.

The dream feels so vivid and I feel myself floating whilst my lungs feel like they are burning and freezing inside.

"I looked for you on the Trident."

"We weren't there."

"Your friend, the Usurper, would lie beneath the ground if we had been."

I watch as the words of the men lead to swords being drawn.

"And now it begins."

"No. Now it ends."

The two day as the duem commences and the man wielding Dawn is still standing, I finally realize what I am seeing before me.


I scream out to him to watch behind his back as I see a man slowly get up, clutching his wound while also clutching a dagger.

"Father, watch out!"

But he doesn't hear me and the dagger drives through the back of his neck, making him drop to his knees, dropping Dawn onto the ground as blood begins to pour everywhere.

I watch as Ned Stark takes Dawn off of the ground, hesitating slightly to do so.

"No, Father!"

For the briefest of moments before the sword comes down, I swear he sees me, dark violet eyes wide in recognition before the blade silences all.


My eyes snap open as I feel myself floating. But then, the cold water stabs me a thousand times all over by body with its frigid knives as I scream out, kicking and thrashing to the surface.

I hit something blocking my way and I realize it's ice that's blocking the surface. I slam my fist into the ice in determination as I scream, all the air escaping my lungs as I feel water begin to fill them instead.

With one final blow, the ice above me shatters and I weakly resurface, slamming my arms onto the ice to hold myself. I cough and wheeze in pain as almost immediately, every part of my body exposed to the winter air freezes.

I shiver as I pull myself up, using everything everything I have left to do so.

I suck in sharp breathes of frigid air, beginning to shiver uncontrollably as I lay on the ice and snow, staring up at the blizzard like sky.

But I hear some kind of cackling or clicking sound echoing all around me.

I slowly sit up, trying to stand as icy blue eyes suddenly appear in the white nothingness. I stare in disbelief as a White Walker steps towards me menacingly as I desperately try to crawl away.

I finally stand up as it gets closer and closer. Hardly even thinking, I draw my sword from my waist, pulling harder to make it unstuck in its scabbard.

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