Chapter 11 - Retirement Party & Arrival: Holy Grail War

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【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

(3rd Person's POV)

While Izuku, Anastasia, and Artoria were preparing themselves for the retirement party for Artoria and waiting for Gilgamesh's arrival back at the penthouse, there is a major event happening in another part of the multiverse.

In a place that was very, very far away from the world of Quirks, we see a group of four running up a huge set of stairs on a mountain. The group consisted of two girls and two boys, though one boy looked more feminine rather than masculine. They seemed to be having a conversation while running up the set of stairs.

???: "Oi Rider, are you sure you and this idiot can hold Berserker off long enough?"

???: "Hey! Don't call me an idiot, Saber!"

Saber: "Shut up! I have every right to call you an idiot for almost dying every time you get into a fight and for losing your Command Seals to Caster!"

???: "Tohsaka, Rider, and I saved you from Caster, didn't we?!"

As the group was running up the stairs, the blonde-haired woman with beautiful blue-green eyes, clad in a thick suit of a well-made red and gray armor that hid her small frame, argued with the boy.

As the group was running up the stairs, the blonde-haired woman with beautiful blue-green eyes, clad in a thick suit of a well-made red and gray armor that hid her small frame, argued with the boy

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The boy has auburn-colored hair with golden-brown eyes and he was wearing a normal white and dark blue long-sleeved shirt with blue jeans. He was also wearing a black, white, and gray jacket on top of the shirt.

The other two who were with them sweatdropped at their behavior while wearing exasperated expressions

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The other two who were with them sweatdropped at their behavior while wearing exasperated expressions.

Saber: "Whatever, you got lucky when you came to save me. It was only because that damn Archer betrayed Caster that you were able to save me, Shirou. Not to mention, all of you would be screwed if Caster took control of me!"

???: "Hahaha! She's got you there, Shirou-kun! I'd probably lose against Saber-san in a one-on-one battle."

Shirou: *sighs* "...Speaking of, I thought you were fighting Archer in front of the Church along with Sakura, Rider."

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