22 - Dancing in the rain

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After your little spat with Regulus you boarded the train, following suit with all the boys. The five of you took a seat in your compartment, they'd already put your bags up for you so you didn't need to worry as your tired state collapsed into a seat next to the window. Leaning your head on the glass your eyes watched the last few students gather their bags and say their goodbyes before getting onto the train. You caught a glimpse of Hagrid and gave him a small wave as the train took off with a small jolt. As Hogwarts disappeared out of sight your eyes fell heavy, full moon nights always meant little or no sleep, not that you minded. As long as Remus was okay and no one got hurt that night then everything would work out just fine and the lack of sleep didn't bother you. You slowly fell into a deep sleep and so did the rest of the boys, the five of you completely exhausted from the night that was now behind you.

You'd slept for the vast majority of your journey. Your eyes opened seeing Remus with his head in James' lap, James had his head flung back onto the seat cushion behind him and Peter had his head on the small glass window on the door. All three of them occasionally twitched in their sleep, the sight made you smile and you only wished you had a camera to take a photo of them all. As you shifted slightly to stop your body from aching you felt a weight on your shoulder. Looking to the side you saw Sirius Black's head resting upon your shoulder, his black hairs dancing on your neck as he too twitched in his sleep. You found yourself smiling at the sight. You'd grown fond of him these past few months, as much as you hated it, it was true.

Just as you kept your eyes on him his eyes opened. He immediately shut them from the light pouring in from the windows as you sped through the countryside just outside of London. The sight made you laugh as he stretched in his seat, his head still on your shoulder as he came around and began to focus on the world around him. His soft yet cold eyes met yours and he smiled, you mirrored his actions, a small laugh still wanting to leave your lips at his state.

"Good afternoon." You whispered, your eyes darting over to the other boys, not wanting to wake them.

"Hello." He spoke in the same tone. "Sleep well?"

"As well as one can on a train, did you?"

"Of course, I had a good pillow." The pair of you laughed at his words. "Are we there yet?"

"Nearly." You spoke, Sirius got up as you did, moving his head from your shoulder. "Should be in London in a few minutes."

"Ah, the Potters cooking for a whole summer, I can't wait." He smiled.

"I can't wait to see my Dad." You smiled. "I've missed him."

"I wish I could say that about mine." He replied, sadness and anger began to wash over him. "He hates me."

"You deserve better you know." You looked over to him.

He met your gaze as he spoke. "I don't. Not after what I've put you through and even Snape -"

"Snape deserved that." You gave him a smile in an attempt to make him smile but it never worked.

"You didn't."

"Oh I know."

"Exactly." He huffed. "Maybe that's why I landed horrific parents, because I'm an asshole."

"You aren't as bad as them." You replied. "They want most wizards dead, you just pick on the ones who deserve it."

"By that logic it would seem that you deserved it." He smirked.

"Why did you always pick on me?" Your question took him off guard. His once cocky expression turned to a blank and rather worried one. Silence filled the compartment, the only sound you could hear was the occasional snore coming from James. "Can you not even think of a reason?" You pressed on, now sounding angry with every word.

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