From the characters

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*barges into my house and bursts into my room yelling *

Get off your lazy ass right now. We all left you because you were in a new place and you were struggling but we've had enough.


Kiara, that is not what we discussed, *walking in like the cutesy baby he is *

Alessia & the rest of the gang flock in:
Hi, Author.

Me, from behind my sky blue fluffy blanket: Hi guys, *turns to other characters I ignored. Hi

Other characters, growling: Hi

Me: I'm sorry, okay. I forgot and wasnt in the right place.

Jackie, coming close and hugging me:

Ah, we know, Reina, but you've got to get up. You agreed on healing every part of you and we're apart of you. Every single one of us is apart of you, maybe this isn't where you wanted us to be but this is where we are starting.

Adonis, like the authors boy he is, *lays head gently on thigh: We missed you, Reina.

Me with tears in my eyes:

Ah, I missed you too, i missed all of you. I promise I'll do better.


I heard you got into college, since January. I'm offended you didnt tell us and have you not been eating, Reina. Tsk tsk, you're practically living on air, arent you?


Smiles sheepishly, maybeee


Get up, go and eat. We'll be right here waiting. We love you, Reina


I love you too

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