Sad Sunshine

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The lights flickered, as they would turn back on after an hour of darkness. Moon would transform back into his other alternative; Sun, as he hated the light. Sun would come back.
He'd be confused, he would remember you, and your face. As he felt his memory come back, he looked down at your bleeding out body, your opened chest, revealing organs. Sun would realize what he was looking at, then quickly getting off of you.
He'd see the saw that was used, beside your body, submerged in your own warm blood. Sun would start weeping; no tears came out as he was unable to cry, but he made noises. He would grab your hand, looking at your skin, as it looked dead. You looked colorless; as the life has been sucked out of you.
Sun would rest your hand down. All he wanted was his friend back.
He would place his hand on your cold cheek. He hated himself for letting Moon go crazy like that, but Sun felt helpless. He couldn't bring you back. He would touch your hair

"New friend, wake up.."
"I miss you."

"You were my sunshine.."

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