A Selfish Desire

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I was always different from my family, being born in a clan that's well-known through out Inazuma, the L/n clan specialises in military and martial arts. All of Inazuma heard about them before, they play an important role in Inazuma back then. So It's only natural for everyone to think I would follow in my family's footsteps. My brother, sister, mom and dad, all successful and fully mastered martial art, sword fighting and etc.

While I preferred more of an artistic route in life, I was never interested in fighting, I remembered I find it quite tiresome and boring. But my family didn't mind it, they accepted me for who I am. Which I'm grateful for, they didn't force me to do this or that, they didn't stop me from what I like to do. Great right?

However, reality struck as I got older. Funny isn't it? When I was young, I never care about what the society think about me. But as I got older I realised how my interests where affecting the image of my clan.

"Did you hear the L/n clan has a daughter that just draw all day, like what is that going to do for her future. I never knew the famous L/n clan would allow their offsprings to do such a thing. How disgraceful."

"Who knows, may be the reason why she is like that is probably because she doesn't have the bloodline of her ancestors."

"Are you saying the the head of the clan, F/n L/n could have cheated on his wife? Now it doesn't sound so absurd why their child is like that."

I overhead everything they said, I tried to ignore it like my father said. but how could you ignore something that is constantly repeating every. Single. Day. It's mission impossible.

The 12 year old me had enough of hearing my parents getting ridicule by people. Nothing they said it true, they are not cheaters, they are not terrible parents at all!

So I decided to fix the root of the problem, me. After all, the reason why this happened was because of my differences from my family when it comes to interests.

Yet, no matter how hard to tried I could not skillfully master using a katana. I tried over and over again for a year but even with my siblings and my parents coaching. Nothing worked. There was no improvement from when I first started a year ago. As you imagine, I became desperate and disheartened. At this rate, how am I going to prove them wrong.

"It's alright Y/n, so what if you can't master our tradition. You're unique in your own way, everybody have their strengths and weaknesses. Even if you can't fight or learn the same skills like us. You will always be my daughter." My dad said with the sweetest smile ever, like a miracle cure that can get rid of all the evil in this cruel world.

But even with this reassurance, I still was determind to solve this issue i've caused. The only problem was how, I couldn't fight or learn any sword skills. What could I possibly do anything?

Till one day I found my answer, it was passed midnight again, unable to sleep, still trying to find a way to stop the slander to the L/n's name. Eventually, I drifted of to sleep. I opened my eyes, blinking over and over again to see properly. There laid a katana in the middle of the dark room.

This very same katana that brought pain and misery to the people of Inazuma. But back then I was oblivious to the consequences and was too blindly by my selfish desire. That with the right words, 'she' managed to sway me into grabbing that katana.


"Is this some sort of dream? This last thing I remembered was drifting of the sleep..." I thought looking around the place, even though there isn't much to look at. Except a katana levitating in the middle of the room. So naturally, I went closer to it.

Now I was no fool, I could immediately tell that katana was bad news. The vibe it give was practically screaming with misfortune. Not to mention, it seems as though a seal was containing the katana. I quickly back off, I have to find a way out of here.

Katana of Corruption  (Genshin impact! Albedo x Vessel! Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now