Photoshoot - Mason Mount

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You didn't really knew what sleeping in was anymore. Normally you were up before he was or he was gone on the weekend when you had a lie in. So it was a rare but perfect moment when you woke up without an alarm and pressed up against his chest. In a half asleep state you hummed quietly to yourself and traced your fingers along his arm that was wrapped around your waist. The movement made him stir a bit and you smiled to yourself when he pulled you tighter to him. "Morning, love" he whispered with his slightly raspy morning voice before you cautiously turned around in his grip. "Morning, Mase" you said under your breath and pushed your leg over his while he pressed his nose into your hair. "The sun is out and we are both still here. Can you believe?" he asked and you chuckle as you sat up a bit to look at him. "It just makes it harder when we can't do it again" you told him and he quickly pulled you back down to him to tickle your sides. "I know you are grumpy in the mornings but not today" he said as your laughter filled his ears.

When you finally managed to grab his hands, you caught your breath a bit and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I am just messing with you. I love it" you whispered and saw the grin spreading over his lips. "You better be" he said and pushed his head in the crook of your neck.

As the sun hit the spot where it shine directly on your bed, you slowly made your way out of the sunshine and after taking a shower, you brushed your teeth with him and snorted as he tried to push you to the side. You watched how he did his hair and tapped on your wrist as a joke. "You take longer than me" you warned him and watched how he slowly turned around to you. "Do you want me to tickle you all day or why are you so full of sass today?" he asked and wrapped his arms around you before you could escape. "I think I slept too much" you giggled and sighed happily as he pressed another kiss to your lips. "This will be fun today then" he said and tickled your arms before you quickly made your way into the kitchen with a laugh on both of your lips.

After breakfast, Mason insisted on putting away the dishes so you hopped on the counter beside him and traced your fingers through his hair from time to time. "When does your shooting start?" you asked him while he stood in front of you and played with his finger. "I have to be there around three. So we can use the little bit of sun" he said and you hummed while you nodded. "Okay" you told him and chuckled as he didn't let you jump off again. "Come with me" he said and you laid your head to the side with a smile. "What?" you asked and he nodded. "Come with me. To the shooting. It will be fun. I promise" he said again and you chuckled. "Do you really think they want me there? It's probably secret" you told him and he rolled his eyes. "Nah. Who cares? I just want you there. Maybe we can get you dressed in some Burberry too" he whispered and you giggled. "I mean. Yeah. I would love to. I just don't want to be annoying everyone" you told him and he rolled his eyes. "You. Yeah. Probably so annoying" he teased and carefully pulled you from the counter.

"What do you want to do until we have to go?" you asked and he hummed into your ear. "We could watch some Spiderman. You still need to watch the old ones because I want to go to the cinema with you in December" he said and you lifted your eyebrows. "I thought you gave up on me after the second one?" you asked and he shook his head. "No. You will like it. Trust me. Come on. For me. I watched Twilight with you" he pouted against your lips and you chuckled slightly. "Yeah okay. I owe you a lot for that" you told him and laughed as he pulled you onto the couch with him in one motion.

With some snacks and your favourite blanket, you were tugged up against his side and felt how he wrapped your hair around his fingers. "Are you even paying attention?" you asked as you were fixed on the screen but you could hear his smile as he talked. "I know this movie since I am a kid. I think I can play with your hair and know where we are" he said and leaned his head on top of yours. When the movie ended, you quickly got up when you could get a glare at your phone and ran to the bedroom. "Why are you running?" he called after you as you were already changing. "Because I need to look presentable and we really have to go" you called back and heard his laugh in the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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