Chapter 35

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"No, no, no." I say as I walk out the house we rented in Lisbon, Hope following my steps. "I did enough by bringing you here." I argue.

"Tom this is my dad we are talking about here."

"Yes I know, and I promise I will bring him to you."

"Well Im not willing to sit around in this place waiting, so I'm coming. End of discussion like you say. Come on let's go." She says starting to walk past me but I stop her by grabbing her arm.

"Hope please, understand. I can't focus on rescuing your dad if I'm going to be worried taking care of you."

"Don't worry about me." She says walking up to me, i believe she's going to hug me but instead pulls the gun I had tucked in on my side. "Just give me this and I'll be fine."

"You said you don't know how to handle a firearm."

"Tom, my dad is a very hated man with enemies, did you really believe me?" She asks with a smile. Before I can say anything, she walks up closer and kisses me. "Let's go." She walks away as she tucks in the gun in her back.

"God give me patience. This girl is going to drive me insane." I say to myself before walking to get in the car with her. Harrison looks back at us from the front seat.

"She's going?" He asks looking at me.

"She has a name." Hope responds.

"You try telling her no." I say and Harrison turns around quickly. Yeah, exactly.

When we arrive to the Da Silva residence, this time we find them here. We get off the car before it becomes visible to the guards in the entrance. The plan is for Diego to go in alone, try to negotiate and if it doesn't work then we'll go the hard way about it. Hope walks behind as we make our way through the side of the property. I still can't believe I actually bought her. She can say whatever she wants about her knowledge with a gun, but I haven't seen it happen therefore my worry is there. Harrison and Harry walk besides me.

"Hope's life goes before anyone else's, even your own. No matter what, nothing happens to her, are we clear?" I say and they both nod their heads. I know they are worried as well. And I also know they will not let anything happen to her. We arrive to our position and hide behind a fence on the left side of the property. We wait, and we wait, and we wait. Diego should've said something by now. I'm growing impatient here.

"I'm not waiting anymore. Let's go in." I say and everyone nods. We start to move when we hear voices and stop.

"He didn't come alone. Look on the outsides." Someone orders and we stay still. I hear other voices growing louder and they seem to get closer to us. I look at Harrison and he nods at me. Before we can do anything a few gun shots are heard. He opens his eyes widely and we stand up quickly. They know we are here.

Two men were walking in our direction. They shoot at us and we shoot at them. They go down quick but they are more coming. Harrison empties out his gun before going back down again and I do the same.

"This fucker has more security than the royals." Harrison says as he loads his gun again.

I'm working on it too but we keep hearing shots. I see Hope pull out the gun from her back and cock it. She starts to stand up and when I'm unable to stop her, I'm up too. I look at her, her face is concentrated, both of her eyes open, set on a target. She squints her eyes a little and shoots. I follow the bullet as it hits on the gun of a guy that was about to shoot at us. The bullet didn't hit him but surely scared him when it took the gun off his hands. It must have hurt too because the guy is groaning in pain. Another man comes out from behind the property and I shoot him before he's even able to reach for his gun, and just in case, I also shoot the guy Hope scared. We both go down again.

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