P. 27 {Confessions}

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Worst two weeks of my life!!! No phone, no television, no internet, no contacts, every household chore my parents could think of and the worst part, no daily vanilla chai latte with extra cinnamon. In house coffee sucks! 

The last day of my punishment, I went to bed as soon as the sun had set. I couldn’t wait to wake up and this punishment to be over. I had truly, truly learned my lesson. In more ways than one. I couldn’t survive like this. No one to talk to. No staying up on current events. Not even reruns of great shows to watch. I practically ran into the shower when I woke up that morning. 

Fresh clothes, I exited my room and stepped out onto my front porch, breathing in the fresh air like I had never tasted the sweet flora of oxygen. I heard my mother giggling behind me and when I turned to face her, she had my fully charged phone in her out-stretched hand. I snatched it from her like it was the last piece of chicken at the dinner table. 

Unlocking it,  I quickly found several missed calls, tons of texts, and even a few voicemails.  I blushed seeing calls and texts from both Taehyung and Namjoon. I started down the steps, already heading down the street in search of my coffee fix when my mother cleared her throat and stopped me mid-step. 

“I had that talk with Namjoon, by the way. After an infinite amount of apologies and several desperate pleas of begging for his life, he did inform me that sex wasn’t on the agenda that night. That it really was just a little making out session. But from the look on his face when he told me, I know something really big happened either way. You better be careful out there, sweetheart. Whether it be Namjoon or Taehyung, protect yourself.”

I heard the front door close behind me and continued on down the walkway and up the street. Right now, nothing mattered but my coffee.

I practically creamed in my pants as the delicious hot liquid slid down my throat, my tongue reaching out to lick the delicate, cinnamon tasting foam from my top lip. If I had never experienced an orgasm before, I’d swear this is what I would think it felt like. Euphoria in a cup. My eyes closed, I welcomed and cherished each sip for as long as I could, before going back for more, practically purring in the middle of the still empty cafe. I hadn’t noticed Jin watching me from the counter, not even acknowledging anything else in this world existed, until I heard his signature laugh being hushed behind his hand. I turned to him and stuck my tongue out, before continuing to indulge. 

It was still early in the day, myself being the cafe’s first customer. Jin was still swishing around, pulling chairs down off the tables and bar, while brewing coffee after setting up the frappe machine, before he would head on to the back,  preparing the doughs for his array of pastries. He saw me practically running towards the place and got my order ready in record time and I couldn’t have been more grateful. 

After relishing my first latte, I asked for another. It wasn’t long before Taehyung came in ready to work his shift, catching sight of me as soon as he walked in the door. Looking quickly at Jin, he was given a nod before sitting on the stool next to me at the bar.

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