Chapter 6

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updated the images of them


also sorry for not updating in so long school is killing me

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All Scorpio could see was darkness. Then suddenly memories of his siblings being nice to him appeared in front of him. It looked like he was watching a movie of his memories.

One memory showed when Stella and Callisto got him ice cream after his parents yelled at him when he was young.

Another one showed how they snuck him out to see his favorite band. Of course they all got grounded in the end, but it was fun in the moment.

Another showed how they stood up for him when his classmates made fun of him.

But something felt off about those memories. Like they were altered somehow.

Suddenly his siblings appeared and the memories faded away.

"See how much we did for you, Scorps? We would never hurt you. Or your friends," Stella said. Scorpio didn't say anything. Like he physically could not. Anytime he opened his mouth to say something, no sound came out.

"Yeah. You believe us over Aries, right?" Callisto asked. Scorpio shook his head. "What do you mean, no? Why don't you believe us?"

It suddenly hit him. These memories of his siblings weren't real.

Well, they were real. But Stella and Callisto weren't the ones doing those things for him.

It was his friends.

The first one wasn't of Stella and Callisto, it was the twins. When he was 6, he came to school upset, so Minnie and Gemini got him ice cream.

The second one was Pisces and Aquarius. They snuck into his house because they were bored and took him to their favorite band's concert, since the three of them shared one.

The third was Cancer. She saw a bunch of people picking on him, and almost murdered them.

His siblings did nothing for him. They just manipulated him into thinking they did something.

Scorpio struggled to say something. "You. Fucking. Liars," he said. "I can't believe I ever believed you." He saw Stella and Callisto's eyes turn dark before he was suddenly jerked awake as he felt cold water hit his face. His sight was blurry, but as he adjusted, he saw Minnie and Aries looking over him. Scorpio felt sweaty and was shaking.

"Oh my god, Scorpio," Minnie said and hugged him. "What happened?" He closed his eyes and leaned into her hug.

"Where are they?" Scorpio asked. "Stella, Callisto... where are they?"

Aries noticed his anger when saying their names.

"I'll go get you water," Minnie said. "Do you mind lifting your head up?" she asked gently to Scorpio. He nodded and lifted his head up and she got up to get him water. Scorpio closed his eyes again and leaned his head on Aries' shoulder. Aries sucked in a breath and sat there awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, Aries," Scorpio said quietly.

"Huh?" Aries asked, not believing his ears.

"I'm sorry," Scorpio said louder. "I hated you for no reason. I'm sorry."

"Thanks? I think?" Aries said. "Oh my god, how do you respond to sorry?" he whispered to himself.

Scorpio smiled at him. "I don't think you should forgive me." Aries didn't know what to say to that. Luckily, Minnie returned with the water.

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