Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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NOTE: Y/N's magical ability is to enhance. (Ex: they can enhance their reading speed.)

Suggested by: mmmmmmmmmdontcare

Being in a family with no superpowers at all is normal, right? Not if you have powers. Being in a family of normal people while I have powers is cool and all, but most of the time it's just stressful. I wish I could meet at least one person to actually help me with my powers instead of just shrugging it off like my family.

"Y/N? Are you there?" I heard from outside my door. "I know it's hard, but we have to."

"I don't want to move, dad! I have friends here."

I heard whispering. Maybe I can make out what he's saying?

"Do I tell them? Maybe that'll persuade them."

Tell me what? Nothing could make me move!

"We found people with gifts. Powers, like you. We just thought that they could help." He says.

When I could hear his footsteps trailing away from my room, I get up from my bed. People with powers? Gifts? People that can help? I wish. They're probably just faking it.

I finally packed my bags and wen back to my bed.

Maybe I can sleep off my nerves?

The next day

I woke up, still nervous. What if they actually did have powers? Stop it, Y/N! You're making yourself nervous.

"Y/N, go put your bags in the car!" Mom said.

Obliging, I changed and picked up my bags. Ay, if my bags were this heavy, I can't imagine how much luggage the car had to hold.

"You guys ready?" Dad said.

"Yes, we're ready." Mom said as I nodded.

"Alright, let's go!"

Fast forward

I wake up to my mom punching me.

"We're here, cariño!" She said excitedly.

Right, we were looking for that family with gifts. What was their name again?..

"Let's unpack before we find the.. Madrigals?" Dad said, picking up my backpack.

Right, the Madrigals. I wonder what powers they have,

"It's alright, honey. I'll put away your bags." Mom said. "Go find some friends while we're out here."

'Find some friends' my ass. I had friends already.

I decided to walk around the small town, spotting lots of people. There was one person that stood out. They had a white shirt tucked into a long blue skirt. They were very strong, and also.. carrying a lot of donkeys? Whatever, they might just be a bodybuilder or something.

I stumbled upon a very colorful and very big house. Should I knock? No, they might be busy. Walking away, I see a group of children crowding around a girl around my age. She was pretty. Green glasses, curly hair, a long and flowy skirt. She was pointing at a mural on a wall and singing. I wonder what she's singing about.

I decided to just sit down somewhere and read a book. Shit, I left my books in my bag. Thats fine, I can just go back to get them.

Walking back to the car, I spot a grassy place to read. Perfect.

"Oh, what're you doing?" Mom said.

"Just grabbing something."

Sitting in the flowers and grass, I open my book and start reading.

Some time later...

I look up and.. ITS ALREADY NIGHT?? Shit shit shit. I have to get to the place we were staying before I get in trouble.

Enhancing my speed, I run all the way to our house.

"Where were you?" Dad asks with his arms crossed.

"Well, I-"

"Never mind that, a member of the Madrigal family is having a ceremony tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

"REALLY? I mean, of course I wanna go." I say, holding in my excitement.

"Okay." He laughed.

I walked up the stairs to my new room, where my new bed and my bags were. Is it just my nerves or is my gut telling me something was gonna happen? It'll probably go away tomorrow.

Author's Note:
Hey, purple here! This is gonna be a separate story from Zypher's.

Author's Note:Hey, purple here! This is gonna be a separate story from Zypher's

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WORD COUNT: 679 words

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