Camilo x m!reader

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Camilo pov:
We always saw eachother up town, something clicked like a spark and I think he felt it too when we first looked into each others eyes. I don't even know his type. If hes straight can't I just transform into a woman for the rest of my life. Probably.

Gave me an idea. I can see if he's gay by seducing him as a really pretty girl.

And with that I transformed into a girl and walked over.
"Hey you look cute~" I said in the most attractive voice I could. He looked at me with a weird look on his face before leading me into a private area. Instantly he kisses me I felt a tang in my heart I loved the kiss but I know it was meant for the woman and not me.

We carried on talking for a bit I found out his name is Y/n aswell! Then he said something which shocked me.
"I love you Camilo." he smiles. So he knew it was me the whole time. Well at least now I know he likes men.
"I love you too y/n" I say hugging him as I transform back. He then kissed me again the bold mother fucker. Obviously I kissed back though.

"You really had to disguise to talk to me?" He says laughing a bit.
"No I was testing if you liked men!" I protested waving my arms about.
"You could've just asked me?" He then states like you can just walk up to a random person and say 'you gay dude?'.

In the end though we ended up planning to meet up later on to talk and go on a few dates before we do anything too sudden.

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