[ Chapter VII : Savior ]

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☾ Third POV ☽

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☾ Third POV ☽


Felix had a very disturbed expression on his face, as he tried to control his tone of voice and explain to Claude once more.

"Your majesty, the Crown Prince has been critically injured and is under emergency medical care..." Felix bowed his head, "but, Prince Atanas has killed every single enemy of the kingdom that waged war. The Kingdom of Faerghus has surrendered."

"And the number of casualties of our men?"

"Due to the prince, casualties were severely cut down. More than half survived the fight, reportedly because of Prince Atanas's commands." Felix finished.

Claude tapped his finger against the arm rest of the throne he sat on. Thinking about it, this is the first time it's been reported Atanas was injured, none the less he was in a critical condition.

"I see. Once he has recovered, he will be rewarded and there will be a welcoming ceremony to welcome Atanas back." Claude closed his eyes, resting his cheek against his hand tiredly.

Felix felt his jaw clench at his friend's response. 'His highness is in a critical condition yet he...' It wasn't very often where the red head would become upset with his majesty.

But he did question Claude's actions and decisions often. This situation is one of them. Placing a hand over his heart, he bowed.

"Understood... Shall I inform the princess of his highness?" Questioned the guard.

Claude opened his eyes and gazed at Felix, "No. The information will only stress a child like her."

The tired emperor dismissed Felix, and he was left alone to his thoughts. He couldn't remember the face of Atanas, as it has been two years. It caught him off guard when it was reported that the boy was injured severely.

Claude gazed at the throne room's doors. "How old is that boy, now?" He thought out loud.


The men that were commanded under the orders of Atanas, tended to the Prince, guarding the tent he was resting in.

There were whispers among all of them,

"Do you think the Prince will be okay...?"

"He has to be! Our prince is strong."

"Because of his highness, many of us were saved..."


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