Chapter 4: Lunch

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Luke Hemmings

"They want to sponsor all four of you too!" Scott yelled, throwing his hands up in celebration.

"What?" Michael and Calum said in unison. All four of our jaws dropped, and I couldn't even find the words right now to speak. I was in complete shock.

Red Bull wants to sponsor me. Red Bull. Wants to sponsor me. I might have to just slap myself in the face to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I've wanted this for so fucking long. Like Adrian, at our first Games Red Bull took interest in the both of us, but as we were still really young they decided against it. More me than her, because with no celebrity parents to my name, they really weren't sure if they wanted to take a gamble with me. At least with her, they knew she would bring something in, regardless if she burned out or not.

"Are you serious?" I asked after finally being able to form words.

"Yup," Scott said smiling, "were you guys gonna go to the restaurant for lunch? Because Adrian and I were about to head inside, you guys should join us, it'll be my treat" he continued inviting us to have lunch with them.

"Yeah we were, but we couldn't let you do that" I said, protesting his offer, as nice as it was we couldn't let him spend money on us like that.

"Nonsense! This will be a congratulations lunch to celebrate all of you getting the sponsorship" he went on not taking no for an answer. "Plus, we can discuss details, and specifics over lunch" motioning us to follow him into the door and over to the restaurant inside.

We made our way over to the window and I didn't even have to look at the menu before knowing what I wanted to order. The other boys, along with Adrian, looked over the menu before turning their direction towards Scott signaling for him to take the lead.

"You kids know what you want already?" he asked looking over at me and then to the other boys on my right

"Yup, club sandwich, with a side of fries" Adrian and I said at the same time. My head shot in her direction instantly, with my eyes big and eyebrows raised. Honestly not believing that we just did that. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but man it was just a weird occurrence.

"Stop doing that!" she whispered, swatting at my arm, before looking back at her dad and repeating her– well technically my order.

"That was cute," Ashton said, sticking his head in between Adrian and I.

"Shut up" I said between gritted teeth, and shooting him daggers.

Scott ordered for the entire group, and after receiving our food we made our way to an empty table to have lunch. Scott sat at the head of the table, Adrian to his left, with Calum next to her, Michael to his right, with Ashton next to him, and me at the end of the table, across from Scott.

Thank god for Calum, because I don't think I could have lasted an entire meal sitting next to the girl. She probably would have thought the same, and was thanking Calum along with me because like I said earlier, out of all of us, she was closest with Calum for some reason.

"So guys," Scott said, taking a pause to take a bite out of his burger, "here's how things are gonna go."

He had the five of us hanging on to his every word, you could tell we were all taking in everything he said as we all got quiet and stopped eating for the moment, leaning forward in our seats to hear better.

Adrian was looking so intently at her dad, just waiting for him to tell us the details about one of her big dreams. Hell, one of our big dreams. The boys and I had been aiming for a huge sponsor like this since we were kids. Sure we had some sponsors like from the resort we all practice at since we spent so much time and money here, we were household names in Park City, local celebrities if you will.

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