A Knight, A Warrior, and A Lover At Heart

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~~Evelyn Dayne~~

I watch from the docking area just outside of King's Landing, seeing hundreds of barrels of Wildfire get loaded onto the ships. I smile to myself as the men work to load them onto several ships.

I glance over across the docks, seeing Cersei Lannister approach with her Queensguard.

"Can't she just go back to hide in the Red Keep?"

Daenerys groans and I chuckle, holding her hand tightly as Cersei now stands before us, looking hesitant to say something, let alone be in my presence.

"Queen Evelyn."

She states, the words melting off her tongue like poison and I smirk as she looks up at the two of us.


She doesn't address her as Queen which annoys me but I don't try and press it. Kind of petty of her.

"Is that all of the Wildfire?"

"Yes. All of the caches have been moved and as you can see, they're being loaded onto your ships."

"Mm. Good. But, I wonder. Are they rigged to explode at all?"

I question, narrowing my eyes with a smirk as Cersei looks down at the floor, shaking her head before looking back us at me.

"No. It's just the Wildfire in barrels is all."

"Mm. Someone I knew once said to me a thousand times, "You always look down at your feet before you tell a lie," and if you haven't noticed, you're looking down at your feet right now."

Cersei's eyes widen a bit as she fumbles with her hands. She clears her throat, trying to regain whatever composure she has left.

"When can I expect my brother back?"

She asks, changing the subject.

"When you apologize."

"For what?"

She asks and I raise a brow, really wondering if she just said that. Cersei Lannister and her House has quite a lot to pay for. And without any of that Tyrell gold, it'll be hard for the Lions to pay their debts as they like to tell everyone they do.

"I can ignore your family's past crimes to the Realm and to it's people for now but I can't ignore the fact that you have been nothing but disrespectful to my future wife."

I say and Cersei's face is pale like a ghost as Daenerys only holds my hand a little tighter, a blush adorning her features.


Cersei huffs in frustration as she looks at Daenerys.

"I am truly sorry for the disrepct I have shown to you. As your host today, I should have been more hospitable.."

She finishes rather awkwardly and Daenerys nods, trying to hold back a grin.

"Your apology really hit the heart. Thank you."

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