Chapter 13: Yes. Even Then.

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After an exhausting amount of debate, it was decided that Hoseok's friends would stagger their arrivals. He seemed to think that meeting all six of them at once would overwhelm me. First up was the man he called his best friend: Min Yoongi.

Hoseok had left to pick him up at the airport a couple of hours ago, and they should be back any time. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous. It wasn't this Yoongi guy that I was marrying. Why did I feel like I had to impress him? I mean...yeah, he's Hobi's best friend. And yeah, if he really doesn't like me, then it could possibly change Hobi's mind. But it's not like I'm a terrible person who nobody ever likes.

All that being said...I was freaking out. But who wouldn't be in my situation? Especially after Hobi had warned me about Yoongi. He said that he was the 'grandpa' of the group, and he could be grumpy most of the time. That he liked to sleep, could fall asleep absolutely anywhere, and could hold a grudge for several hours after he was woken up. He acts uninterested, even if he actually is interested in something.   

But... he also told me that Yoongi was the best friend he had ever had. That he was always there whenever he or one of the other guys needed him. That he always offered to help when somebody was cooking or cleaning, instead of just sitting around and letting people do stuff for him. And also that he tries to shrug it off whenever somebody tries to show him any affection, but Hobi thinks that he secretly likes it. 

Hobi also told me that Yoongi knows a lot about random things. He thought that Yoongi could probably give me a run for my money in that department, and that we might have to have a trivia contest while he was here. But he also said that Yoongi uses his random knowledge to help the people that he cares about. 

I sat down in the living room and Rizzo jumped up on the couch next to me. I rubbed his head, looking down at him.

"You're going to stay by my side, right buddy?" I asked him. He answered me with an excited tail wag. Of course he would. He always did.

I jumped a little when the doorbell to my apartment went off. It had been four days since you told all three parents that we would go ahead with their idea, and I had since gone back to my place. I loved my father, but I couldn't take that much time in his house. He was a little overbearing. He was all over me talking about wedding dresses and showing me pictures out of magazines. He had always paid special attention to the fact that he had to be both father and mother to me. Sometimes, he took the mothering part a bit too far.

Walking to the door, I opened it and looked at the two men in front of me. One, I knew well, and I smiled at him. "Hi, baby." 

I turned to look at the other man. He was a bit shorter than Hobi, and had mint green hair. He had several piercings in each ear, and they looked real, unlike Hobi's. 

"And you must be Yoongi." I held my hand out to him and he shook it a bit awkwardly. "I'm Eloise."

"It's nice to meet you, Eloise," Yoongi said, bowing over our hands before he released mine. His voice was somehow both rough and smooth at the same time. He gave me a small smile, not smiling big enough to show his teeth, but still adorable.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Yoongi," I told him, smiling back. "Hobi has told me a lot about you."

"'s 'Hobi' already, is it?" he asked, glancing at Hoseok. "She must be special."

Hoseok smiled as he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me up against his side. "She is, Hyung. Very special."

"All the same," Yoongi said. "I am just going to tell you now that I think this marriage arrangement thing, that your parents are forcing you into, is ridiculous."

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