~Fourteen- Are you okay amor? ~

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The next morning i has to get up early to help my dad gather and pluck fruits. I had to put on something I could wear and get dirty so i decided to wear this :

When I finish getting ready I head downstairs and see my dad waiting for me downstairs

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When I finish getting ready I head downstairs and see my dad waiting for me downstairs. " You took forever! Hurry up we're gonna be late!" He said
" Dad, it's 7:30 and we have to be at the fields by 9:00 and the fields are in walking distance.." I said while grabbing some leftovers from the kitchen.
" Well, we're still gonna be late cause you take so long with everything.." He said. I chuckled at his words and started eating. When I did finish my food my dad packed up some tools and we were on our way to the fields. It was 7:50 so not a lot of people were awake, all I know is that most of the townspeople wake up at 8:20. When me and my dad arrived I saw Félix, Camilo, Agustin and Mirabel. My dad has got along with Félix and Agustin really well so I can see why my dad probably asked them if they wanted to gather fruits too. We walked up to all of them and said our hellos. Everybody decided that we all would be separated into two groups, one group is the dads and the other group is was all of the kids aka me, Camilo and Mirabel. The dads would get all the fruits on the ground like strawberries, watermelon and pineapple, meanwhile the kids would get the fruits that grow on the tress such as apples, oranges and peaches. When we arrived at the trees there was a latter at each tree and a basket to put the picked fruit in. I was picked peaches and some of them were pretty high up so I had to climb up higher. It was all going well until the ladder i climbed on was on the verge of breaking because when I climbed on the highest step it
the drop down was like almost five feet. Mirabel and Camilo looked my way once they heard the snap and saw me fall down and fall down head first. Camilo and Mirabel immediately climbed down there ladders and came right next to me looking for any injuries. When I sat up them immediately saw a blood patch at the back of my head. " oh my god y/n! There's a - the back of your head there's a- thing-I'll get some of my moms food so I'll be right back!" Mirabel said and ran off.
"Are you okay amor?" Camilo said looking at the patch while rubbing his thumbs in the area of my injury.
" I'm fine..I think.." I said. Mirabel then comes running back holding a empanada con queso. She hands it to me and I take a over exaggerated bite. And just like magic I started to feel better, " Is the thing gone?" I said.
" Yup, it's gone..wow my mom is the best mom huh?" Mirabel says. Me and Camilo look up at her with an angry look.
" What about our moms Mirabel you don't think there the best to?.." I said while standing up and crossing my arms.
" Yea Mirabel are you saying that out moms are the worst?" Camilo said while putting his arm around my shoulder. I can basically hear his eyebrow raise. Mirabel has this look on her face ( IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE THE FACIAL EXPRESSION I WANT HER TO MAKE SO ILL JUST PUT AN IMAGE )


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She looked at us one by one, left to right over and over. We were waiting for an answer but she just went back on a ladder and continued to pick fruits. Me and Camilo looked at each other but shrugged it off and also continued to pick fruits. We all continued to pick fruits until all the trees had no fruit on them. We picked up baskets and put them in a wooden wagon and the some of them didn't fit so we just put it next to the wagon. We went towards the dads and told them that we had gotten all the fruit and them said to help them with the corn and off we ran. Mirabel and Camilo raced each other to the corn and Camilo obviously cheated by forming into Luisa and running faster then Mirabel,when Camilo and Mirabel arrived at the corn field I realized that they didn't have any baskets to put the corn in so I grabbed three big ones and walked towards the corn. When I got to the corn they grabbed the baskets and thanked me. We started to pluck the corn and Mirabel realized that there was a hole in her basket so she had to go back and get a new one. While she was gone I got a piece of corn but my clumsy self dropped it to the floor of dirt. While I was getting the dirt of the corn
I had to rub the corn in an up and down motion, all of a sudden I hear somebody whisper in my ear, " God I wish I was that corn.."
  I was token by surprise so my gut instinct said to elbow the person in the stomach. When I looked back to see who had said that I saw that it was Camilo. He wrenched in pain and fell on the floor holding his stomach. I bent down beside him and started saying, " Oh my god Camilo I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" I then started laughing, I don't know why but it was funny as hell to me. When Mirabel came  back and saw Camilo on the floor and me laughing at him she started laughing to.

If there's any typos pls tell me cause it'll help a lot Alr? Nice 👍

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