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I Know What You Did

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I Know What You Did.


MY PARENTS WERE SCREAMING. AGAIN. The only words I could make out was 'This is the final straw' 

I knew my dad was unfaithful, a blind man could see that man was devoted to other women than mama. I hated him for it. Why couldn't we just be one happy family? 

Mama gave him multiple chances, a loud crash from downstairs made me pull the walkie-talkie out of my nightstand drawer. 

My squeaky voice spoke, "Chrisy are you there?" 

I held it close to me and it didn't take long for Chrisy to respond, " Is something wrong Cami?" 

The purple walkie-talkie coated in glitter from Target was a bit rusty but it worked, "My parents are fighting again...I'm scared Chrisy"       

I fought back the water in my eyes as my next-door neighbor and only best friend responded, "Do you want to come over? Mom is making cookies"  

He always knew how to bring a smile to my face, I wrapped my pink blanket around myself and quietly sneaked out of my window and down the ladder I had put for these moments. I ran over to his front door where he opened the door and wrapped his arms around me. 

He smelled so good

"It's going to be ok" He fixed the glasses that had slightly fallen down my face and lead me to the kitchen where his mother Kathryn was taking cookies off a baking sheet.

"Oh hello, Camila!" She said with an apologetic smile. She knew what went on in my house when I came over. She and my mother were best friends since we'd first moved here when I was only 2.

Since then nights changed faster and I was now 10 and her son and I were best friends. Just inseparable. A knock at the door left Chris and I in the kitchen, but soon my mother was pulling me by the arm in a frenzy. 

"Nos vamos!" (We're leaving!) 

I looked back at Chris as my mom pulled me down the street and back into our house, "Empaca tus cosas, mañana volvemos a España" (Pack your stuff, we're going back to Spain tomorrow)

"What do you mean, Mama?!" 

"Your grandmother has offered us a place to stay with her," I noticed that Papa was now gone and the house was almost destroyed. 

"But why?" She pulled out a suitcase and started to throw my clothes in it. 

"Hija...The house is in foreclosure. I was behind in a few payments and they aren't giving me any more chances" Mama was just an eighth-grade teacher and could barely make ends meet. She was also just as stubborn as not allowing anyone to help her provide. Even if it meant something like this were to happen. (Daughter)  

There was nothing to be done.        

"Everything happens for a reason, Mi Vida" (My life)   


So whatever was destined to happen, happened. We had left for Spain the next day on a last-minute flight. But not before I left something for Chris. A friendship bracelet and necklace. I was planning to give them to him the day I had left- assuming it'd just be a normal Sunday. 

The heat of Spain hit my face when I walked out of the airport and saw my grandfathers face. I instantly ran into his arms, and weirdly- his scent of tomato and herbs always seemed to cheer me up. 

Suddenly...I wasn't so sad anymore. I was glad.  

Welcome to Love, Camila! This is my second attempt at making a highschool romance, and trust me I've learned from my mistakes

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Welcome to Love, Camila! This is my second attempt at making a highschool romance, and trust me I've learned from my mistakes. 

I know some of you have come from TMF, and if you're wondering if it'll continue it's a yes! This story will be on the side. I just needed a change of scenery when I'm writing, the violence and mafia isn't a fun thing to write about :/ 

- Much love, M. <3

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