Chapter 44-Part 1

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》3rd POV

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》3rd POV

The castle creaked and shook. Alone in her cell, Dagrun's lips twisted into a wicked grin. Her father was here and nothing could stop him now. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she found herself in a dark void. Right in front of her Loki was knelt down. His eyes were a glowing blue. He was in a daze he couldn't snap out of. The sight of him in such a state was almost pitiful, but she didn't care.

"Thank you for letting me use your body, it was very useful." The girl said, and disappeared.

When she opened her eyes for a third time she was back at her cell, but instead, Loki's body had gone limp on the floor and she was back I'm her own skin.

Suddenly, the cell in front of her exploded, creating a huge hole into the dungeon. Dagrun squinted her eyes to see through the rubble and dust, and when she managed to make out the figure that walked in, her smile widened.

Standing tall, with golden armor and a familiar gauntlet, her father came through with a few of his children marching behind him and spreading throughout the halls.

The man let out a heavy laugh. His plan had worked. He deactivated the magical barrier and extended his hand towards the pale spirit. "Come on my daughter, you have done well."

Dagrun walked towards her father and took his gloved hand. The size difference would have been endearing if only both were good people.

As soon Dagrun had stepped out of the cell, she turned towards Loki's body lying still on the floor. He looked almost dead had it not been for the light rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

"We still have an ace up our sleeves, father." Dagrun spoke, making the purple man turn to look towards the figure lying on the floor. "And I just happen to be the puppet master."

As those words slipped from Dagrun's lips, Loki's eyes shut open, showing the odd, blue glow. The man under control started to rise to his feet, moving towards the pair. He planted himself in front of Dagrun and looked into her eyes waiting for his master to order his next move.

"Kill the girl. Only then will you earn your freedom."

Loki did not speak, but turned away and walked through the protruding hole on the wall to find his lover, but not to reunite with her, if not to end her life.

》Y/N's POV

I held onto Tony for dear life as he flied me to the bifrost. He dodged flying rubble and arrows. We could see the battle breaking loose bellow on the ground. Guards and soldiers in golden and silver armour clashed against huge monsters with bulky swords and poisoned spears.

"Can you see Elin, Nath and Steve from here?" I asked Tony, my voice coming out forced as I spoke over the noise of bombs and the biting wind. It took Tony a few seconds to answer, but alas he told me what he saw. "I've located them. They're sneaking onto the rainbow bridge now."

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