64. drapes of anxiety

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Jungkook kept a delicate hand around Devora's waist, listening to her serene breathing, watching her head rise up and down with his moving chest.

He burrowed his fingers through her hair, caressing her head smoothly with the palm of his hand.

It had been a couple of hours since Devora had fallen asleep in his arms after their prologue of ongoing conversations. Jungkook enjoyed it more than he imagined he would, it was the first time they would be falling asleep in each other's arms, solely talking.

He assumed she would eventually fall asleep, and it would give him the opportunity to get up and rest on the couch.

But, she fell asleep with her head planted above his chest, and he didn't have the heart to force her off of him or disturb her from her ostensibly peaceful rest.

It was already two-thirty in the morning, and he was still battling with the decision of whether or not he should be in that bed.

What if Devora had forgotten all about their conversation, and was woken up alarmed by him being in her bed with her?

The last thing Jungkook wanted to do was make her uncomfortable, or make her think they did something while she was intoxicated.

He let out an apathetic sigh through his nostrils, deciding that it was best if he stayed there, and wake up earlier than she did.

He kept his eyes on the ceiling, slowly feeling his lids weaken as he surrendered himself to his exhaustion.

Jungkook began to drift off, brushing his hand against Devora's back to sense her warm figure there as he slipped into reverie.

His eyes shot open in abrupt confusion when he felt Devora's heartbeat start to beat against his stomach, almost like a hammer striking against a stubborn nail head.

Her finger twitched against his arm, her breathing increased with speed.

Jungkook made the safe assumption that she was just dreaming. It must have been an intense dream if her body was reacting the way it was.

Should he be waking her up?

Was that even safe?

"Dev?" He whispered, running his fingertips along her depreciated arm.

"Devora?" He tried again.

He felt her heart rate start to ease, slowing down as time passed.

He picked his head up from the pillow beneath him, trying to get a look at her face to make sure she was still asleep.

Her eyelids were shut.

His head collapsed against the cushioned pillow, telling himself to stop overthinking and to sleep.

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