part fifty-one

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the one where they wait.

part fifty-one

A month passes. Livi isn't dead.


Juno refuses to fool herself into believing the culprit's done. They can and will strike any day now, and she still hasn't found out who they are.

And when they eventually do come for Livi, what can she do?

Even so, Juno has refused to let the girl out of her sight. The plan between the friends had been to keep tight surveillance on Juno after her coma, but Juno insisted that it was Livi they needed to watch closely. Maybe that's why it was taking their murderer so long; they weren't able to find an opportunity that would allow them to kill Livi and still remain anonymous because she was so tightly guarded.

Not for long, Juno thinks darkly. I will find them and kill them before I allow them to hurt Olivia.

She's a little startled to realize how much she means it.

By now the videos on her stolen camera are piling up quickly. Juno has been documenting everything: the conversations she's had with various students since as part of their investigation, the various places in the school she's snuck into, even her own personal feelings about everything, and those of her friends, too. She's determined to leave no stone unturned. Not in the face of this horror. Not when her best friend has become a moving target.

It is mid-March now. They graduate in three months. And yet, Juno doesn't think they're any closer to answers today than they were back in September. Where did all the time go?

More. She needs to do more.

But it is a little ironic. Everything else in Juno's life has gone to shit, but her grades have never been better. She'd finished the previous semester with astronomically high marks, and it's looking like she's on track to do the same during this second half. She should be ecstatic; does this not mean she's practically a shoo-in for university? The truth is, Juno hasn't even applied to any yet. Because she cannot be sure that she will make it out of here alive. It's macabre, but true.

Right now, Juno is loitering in the fourth floor lobby by herself, waiting for the bell to ring for the last class of the day. Well, not the last. Flair practice and Physicals are after, but they don't take as long as normal classes and only happen twice every week, so she's relieved nonetheless.

The conversation between a nearby group of boys catches her attention. "Did you hear? Apparently the murderer has a fucking list they're following."

"A list? Of what, people?"

"Yeah." Then one of them laughs. "But it's obvious that only the strong ones are getting killed off, so you shouldn't worry."

"Shut up, you bastard." Uproarious laughter. "Who do you think is next?"

"Me," another answers, and Juno rolls her eyes as they dissolve into laughs again. These guys think they're so funny. "I don't know, though. There are some bitches I would like to see gone, so fingers crossed."

"This murderer person is actually doing the rest of us a favor by getting rid of scum."

"I know. All those freakishly strong assholes used to walk around so high and mighty, but they're now six feet deep in the ground." The boy chuckles. "Aren't we better of than they are now?"

"Of course. I hope we never catch the culprit."

"I need some more people to die, but just a few. Just the ones who haven't learned and still think they're the shit just because they destroy the rest of us in Physicals."

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