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Harry's POV
"Well,how was it?" Ron asks me the moment I sit down infront of the fireplace,"wet" I reply but I instantly try to explain as Ron raises his eyebrow,"I mean,she was sort of crying","That bad at it,are you?" Ron laughs at me but before I could react I hear Ella's voice from the stair that led too our dormitories,"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory"

Her words cut into me and I have no response. I see Ron and Hermione looking at each other and then back at me,not daring to look Ella in the eye.

Ella sits down by the table and makes eye contact with me. Her eyes pierces into me and it feels like my breath has been pulled from my body. My chest aches and I know what I did was wrong but I have no idea how to approach or fix it.

"Cho spends half her time crying these days" Hermione finally let's out making me feel better about still talking about Cho. "You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up" Ron laughs but Hermione sighs," well, don't you understand how she must be feeling"

Hermione looks around but no one seems to understand what she's actually trying to say. "Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric," Ella starts. I haven't her say his name since he's died but I think about only an hour ago that I finally had her in a depp conversation about how she really felt about everything.

"And therefore confused about liking Harry,and guilty about kissing him,conflicted because Umbridge is threatening to sack her mum from her job at the Ministry,and frightened of failing her OWL's because she's so busy worrying about everything else" Ella talks slowly,and I get help but feel like she's mostly talking about herself.

I know Cho and Cedric liked each other before Ella got involved. I'm don't feel guilty that I kissed Ella, I just wish I didn't have her have a bad memory for the rest of her life about it.

"One person can't feel all that, they'll explode" Ron laughs,"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon" Ron and I look at each other as smiles crept up our faces, Hermione bursts ou laughing at her statement. I look over at Ella who looks completely numb and empty.

Ella's POV

I notice Harry staring at me from across the room,he knows what he did was wrong but I don't know if I want to know who he actually wanted to kiss. I don't think I seemed desperate. We we're having an actual conversation and we've never even talked like that before,I thought that maybe that would be the moment everything changed. It did though.

I still have feelings for Harry. I know I loved Cedric but I think I always knew I loved Harry too. But clearly no matter what I would always come second to 'two pumpkin pasties please'

I'm done with being the nice guy. I'm done having people walk right over me. I'm done with being hurt all the damn time because one stupid boy doesn't want me.

"Well, Guess what Harry! I don't want you either" I lie to make myself feel better as I stare into the green eyes of the boy I've fallin in love with but failed to admit to myself until now.

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